
  1. newreef1

    Marine Pure Bricks Leach Aluminum?

    Hey Guys so I have marinepure biospheres and a Marine pure block. After my recent issue with bacteria loss after the live rock rinse, I got thinking. If marinepure blocks and spheres really held as much bacteria as they claim, shouldn’t my tank have been able to handle the fish bioload despite...
  2. Muffin87

    What benefits have you noticed after adding biomedia or siporax to the sump?

    What benefits have you noticed after adding ceramic biomedia or sintered glass like siporax to the sump? Did it help with carbon dosing? By ceramic biomedia I intend the plain ones without any embedded sulphur: Maxspect nano tech bio spheres/blocks Brightwell Aquatics Xport BIO Dimpled Brick...
  3. M

    EMERGENCY Filtration Issue

    Last night the gasket on my canister filter broke, and the only other filtration I have right now is a hang on back filter rated for a 30g tank and mine is a 55g. Also all it’s running is biomedia. Do y’all think this would be fine until my new gasket comes? It should arrive on the 11th of next...
  4. Mikey-D

    DIY Sump Chamber Question

    I would like to convert a sock filtration to an overflox box incorporating biomedia. The flow would come from the drain, pour over into the media basket holder and then drain from the bottom leading to the refuge. I included a picture of my sump with some barbaric drawing to show what im...
  5. D

    Questions regarding an aluminum-leaching brightwell bio brick

    I know this has been touched on but I have a couple specific questions I haven't seen directly addressed. So I test triton ICP every 3-5 months. Tank is 5 years old and I've never had any of the metals show positive. Since buying the bio brick 3 months ago my Aluminum is now 80. I have since...
  6. T

    Picked up a used Red Sea Max NANO 20g and have a couple questions

    Howdy! As stated in the title, proud owner of a new Max Nano. Filled it with freshwater to check all of the systems. Pumps appear to be working fine so will drain and buy some RO/DI saltwater from the LFS and some live sand and rock to get started! A couple questions though: 1) What is the...
  7. Schraufabagel

    What are your favorite Brightwell Aquatic products?

    What are your favorite Brightwell Aquatics products that you either dose regularly or use to combat tank problems? I use ChaetoGro, NeoPhos, and NeoNitro regularly. I will be starting to dose MicroBacter7 regularly as well. I would highly recommend these to anyone! I'm curious if anyone has...
  8. mclovings

    Washington Media MarinePure Ceramic Biomedia Cubes

    I have an almost full box (1/2 cubic foot) of MarinePure Ceramic Biomedia 2” Cubes. I took maybe 12 cubes out of the box for my 25 gallon. Box is $75.99 new. Asking $40 plus shipping.