
  1. R

    Small Six Line in a 20g AIO?

    So I've got an IM 20g Pro, well established. Pods and little brown flatworms galore. Which is part of why I want to get a Wrasse, they are getting a bit out of control (worms). Not hurting anything yet but I worry they may start getting around some SPS bases, etc. They are not AEFW just the...
  2. S

    SEEKING ADVICE: Skimmer and flow

    SEEKING ADVICE: Skimmer and flow I own a gen2 bubble King 200 mini, which i've been thinking to use on my next build (75g display tank + 30g sump). In addition i'll be running a filter roller. My concern is that the skimmer is oversized and that i might be better with a smaller or simply run...
  3. MarineDepot

    Don't Buy Reef Sand Before Watching This!!

    Join Matthew of My First Fish Tank to cover everything that you need to know about Reef Sand. Feel free to explore more of The Ultimate Beginner Series along with hundreds of other videos on our Marine Depot YouTube Channel.
  4. yanni

    Clownfish tank stocking suggestions

    Hey all! I just purchased my first reef tank in preparation to set up a clownfish and nem tank! Of course I’ll have my CUC, probably some small snails and a shrimp! And, I’ll only be having 2 clownfish! I was just wondering, will the tank I’m using, 75Litre, 20 Gallon, be big enough to...
  5. alexytman

    Raising Nitrate by adding fishes

    I have had an issue with phosphate that I've dealt with using rowaphos but I think it causes fluctuations in phosphate that causes my corals to close up from time to time (esp the few days after I put the rowa in). I have a refugium but the growth is slow and think it may be due to my nitrate...
  6. SteveG_inDC

    Looking for feedback on my 240g stocking plan

    This is a draft stocking plan for a 240g (6' x 30" x 25" high) I do plan to keep corals, but I want a lot of fish activity and I really like to see pairs or groups of the same species. I was thinking of introducing them gradually, in this order. Maybe the CUC (including shrimps and goby)...
  7. Joe Tony

    Can I add another fish to this tank?

    I have a 30-gallon nano tank with a 3-4 inch deep sand bed and 30-40 pounds of live rock. I have a 2-inch orchid dottyback, a banggai cardinalfish that’s nearly adult sized, and a pair of ocellaris clownfish, both of which together are probably about 1.5-2 inches. The tank’s been running for...
  8. Dan Cyr

    What is the best way to determine a healthy bio-load?

    While stocking my 150 gallon mixed reef, I was overzealous about getting fish and have stocked it with a bunch of fish to include (way more than I probably should have while planning for a bigger tank in the future): 2 Green Chromis (1.5" each) 1 Naso Tang (3.5") 1 Vlamingi Tang (6.5")....Thank...
  9. M

    Help deciding if someone's got to go

    Hi guys - it's been a while a don't post here. Just got rid of a bad algae breakout and regained my love and faith on the hobby! I got a 75g with 30g sump going for about a year now, and haven't done much to it other than cleaning and regular maintenance. Today I found myself staring at the...
  10. Alexx17

    Bio load/ I just want to check to make sure I’m good this time.

    I have been on this forum for awhile. Mainly for to ask questions about reefing b/c I didn’t have a clue and over the course of 10 months, I have learned a lot about this hobby and I like it. Around Oct 21, 2017 I setup a biocube 32 led.(all stock) I wanted 4 clownfish in my tank and some other...
  11. Danh Ngo

    External Skimmer for a nano 22

    I have a nano 22G mixed reef. I want to swap to a strong skimmer. I'm currently running a Aquaticlife 30G internal. I want something external and could support a heavy load for my tank because I want to add more live stock. The current skimmer is okay with the bioload at the moment. But for sure...
  12. Nico Ellis

    Overcrowded my 20 gallon long? (Don't judge me to hard.)

    *For starters i would like to say that there is no fighting in my tank, they all actually have a good amount of space im more concerned about the bioload in the 20 gallon, so give me tips, please. So, Basically to put it simply i fear that i have over populated my 20 gallon long tank. These are...
  13. leepink23

    How many fish to maintain a low to medium bioload?

    I have a 150 gallon aquarium that is fallow for 3 weeks now r/t ick break out in the main tank, during this period I have the fish being quarantined in copper. My question is with a protein skimmer, algae turf scrubber, weekly 10% water exchanges with RODI and vinegar dosing what should my...
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