
  1. MariahP

    Hello Reef in DC

    Hi all! New to the forum officially, but a long time lurker. I’m from Michigan but currently live in DC. I joined the hobby many years ago when I lived in Florida and had a 55 gallon reef tank. I was a grad student (in marine biology) and had very little money so I scraped by with some of the...
  2. V

    3 Month Old Biocube

    Hello Reef2Reef peers, I am new to the hobby, as my Biocube 32G is only 3 months old. My current stock is 1 Maroon Clown 1 Azure Damsel 1 Coral Beauty 1 Yellow Watchman Goby 1 Pistol Shrimp 1 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Emerald Crabs 6 snails - 3 Nassarius / 3 Turbo 6 Hermits - Scarlet / Blue legged...
  3. M

    New Biocube 32 Brown Algae

    Hi.. My Biocube 32 tank was new and I added fish 3 days ago. While it was in cycling i did not turn on the lights. I am using lights for past 5 days and now i see brown algae on the sand bed and on the side glasses. Can anyone please help me to get this clean. .
  4. Ruttigerhawk

    Steves LEDs Biocube32 light upgrade

    I just received the Steve LEDs upgrade for my Biocube32. I've emailed the company but haven't heard back yet. The instructions weren't very clear when it came to the wiring and I'm hoping someone may have some insight. There is a wire to plug into Channels 1 and 2, however no wire for Channels 3...
  5. Lololo

    Upgrading Biocube 32 LED Stock light!!

    Any suggestions what I can upgrade my stock Biocube lights for only have few corals at the moment mainly lps but after wwc event I need some better light for my corals. I was looking into one of these. Radion Xr 15 Radion XR15 G5 Pro Or Blue?? Kessil 160 Hydra Twenty SiX AI Prime 16
  6. N11morales

    32G Biocube lighting schedule change+ more blue

    Hello, I would like to get peoples input on what I should change my biocube lighting schedule too. I would like to add more blue light into the schedule. I don't really like running so much white light all the time. Only schedules i can find are people running with nothing but high % of white...
  7. Lololo

    Will the AquaMaxx NF-1 Nano Protein Skimmer Fit Biocube 32?

    I will need skimmer to fit on chamber 1 because the rest are full with other stuff and prefer skimmer on first one. Or anyone suggest any other good skimmer for Biocube 32 that is not the coralife Biocube one.
  8. N11morales

    32G Biocube Stock List

    Hello I was wondering how many fish is okay to add in my tank and if these fish are compatible and able to all live together. I Have: 2 Oscellaris Clownfish Royal Gramma goby/pistol shrimp pair fire shrimp I Want to add: 2 banggai carindals fairy wrasse ( open to other ideas: types of wrasses...
  9. Chevyguy8893

    Build Thread Biocube 32 Tank Journal

    I picked up this Biocube 32 last month as a slight upgrade over my previous 20 long. Life got in the way and the 20 long fell to the wayside. It was turned over to a FOWLR tank and someone else took care of the tank after I moved into my first house. Between the new job and being a first time...
Reef Kinetics