
  1. P

    Biocube Project 1/18/23

    I have received a custom Biocube from a friend and I was told that it had been setup for over a year. Just from the looks of it, it certainly does need some tlc. I do have fluval 13.5 with tons of coral that I would like to move into the tank eventually. But I would like to hear others' thoughts...
  2. 2Shainz

    AI Prime HD vs Ecotech XR15 Pro on Biocube 29G

    Hey Reefers. I'm thinking of upgrading my lighting again. I have a Biocube 29g with the hood removed with a Kessil A80. LPS/Softie mixed tank currently. Just not getting enough spread or growth. Debating between a AI Prime HD or if I want to spend the money on a Ecotech XR15 Pro. Anyone have any...
  3. 2Shainz

    Build Thread BioCube 29G Re-Build

    So I have a thread going already in the Nano category. Needed to create one here for the Red Sea Manx Nano contest. Here is the link to my build.
  4. yoffer39

    Another Video From Us Here @ El-HefeReefs