biocube reef start

  1. Zoa_Fanatic

    50W heater for biocube 16?

    Hey all, I currently use a 75W cheap heater for my biocube 16. I just bought a Eheim Jager 50w not realizing my current is a 75W. My wife is giving me a temp controller for Christmas. I trust Eheim implicitly. But is it big enough?
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    Clownfish help

    I’ve been reefing for like 8 years and I’ve never had clownfish. I just setup a smaller tank to move my last remaining damsel out of my 32 gallon. I plan to restock it with a pair of clowns, an orchid dottyback, a corris wrasse, and some pajama cardinals. Is there a species of clown I should get...
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    AIO Build Biocube replacement fans

    I got a biocube 16 led yesterday for basically nothing (140$). It’s in perfect shape but the fans are kinda loud. Where can I get replacement fans or should I just clean these out and see if that helps?
  4. lordthaxto

    Build Thread Breaking the Bank with BioCube 32

    Tank started Dec 31st 2020. I would like to start out by saying I very recently started this hobby. I have two fresh water tanks that are about 3 months old now. I wanted more... and so here we are. I went to my LFS ( Austin Aqua Dome ) : And purchased a...
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    AIO Build New biocube build

    My old biocube cracked . I’ve been in a thrown together mess for months. My new biocube is finally in and put together, for now. My wife also got a protein skimmer, first time I’ve used one and man does it make a difference.
  6. tribZ

    New Reef Startup on used 29g Coralife Biocube

    Recently bought a tank that was already setup with live rock and had an engineer goby in it. Wanting to start up a reef tank. All levels appear to be good but was wondering about any new advice on what I should do to get the perfect conditions for a reef tank. Thoughts: Going lidless and...