#biocube 32

  1. cjane

    Build Thread 32g biocube: newbie/ starting over

    Years later I'm starting over new... Newbie to a reef tank... When I had a salt tank set up years ago, I only had fish.. but this time,I have decided to set up a reef. I will say Im a little nervous about coarls- adding corals, placements, and healthy levels.... But just one day at a time. I...
  2. jkon81

    Getting back into the hobby

    Hello, this is a long winded post/intro so please have patience with me. I want to give you my current equipment and parameters first and after will be my questions/predicament. Thanks for your understanding! Equipment: -Biocube 32 With stock hood-No upgrade options. Have a cat that I don’t...
  3. OneMerissa

    Fishless cycle can not get Nitrite or Nitrate down!

    Hey all, I think I have read all on R2R regarding the fishless cycle but nothing I see that hits the nail on the head with my issue. I did Dr. Tims' one and only fishless cycle. Here's where I'm at: - Followed the directions to a Tee. I have a 32 gl LED Biocube. I used RODI water and Instant...
  4. xtravism

    32 gallon Biocube thread post pics of your or questions on it!

    Just wanted to started a thread of people with 32 gallon biocubes! And also to ask questions and learn from everyone. But was wondering how much of a water change and how often has everyone been doing it. I try to do 4 gallons every week and at the latest every 2 weeks. And what’s everyone’s...
  5. Ocean’s Piece

    Build Thread Reef in Progress

    Here we go! I started my saltwater journey in January and it has been thriving ever since. My switch to the Saltwater hobby was the result of an escaping turtle! Still unknown how he escaped without a trace. It was below freezing the day he escaped and then sleet the next day, so wherever he is...
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