bio media

  1. ChiReefGuy3

    Pre-Tank Cycling With Bio Media

    Hi Everyone, I am planning on getting a 90-gallon tank but I'm not quite ready to start cycling the display tank (still have to paint the room, buy the tank, create my aquascape with dry rock, ect...). However, I know I will be setting it up within the next 6 months or so and would like to get...
  2. J

    Media balls from sump in observation?

    Hello, I just wrapped up 14 days of QT for my mystery wrasse. I ran 1.65 copper power for 14 days, and never once noticed anything wrong, except for some twitching of the head. I suspect flukes. No flashing, no spots, eats like a champ, very open swimmer. I just transferred it to a brand new...

    For sale California FREE BIO MEDIA

    If you need bio media, please let me know. I'd love them to be used. While I'm giving them away, I wouldn't say no to a frag or a fish as a tip:)
  4. C

    What is your preferred type of bio media?

    Good afternoon, Still preparing and setting up my WaterBox 25 Peninsula, and I’m planning to go bare bottom; I have ~20ish pounds of live rock and am close to filling it (have the saltwater ready + all equipment, just had a dilemma with the stand I purchased that caused delays lol) and I would...
  5. N

    Can I cycle bio media balls with live rock?

    Hello I’ve been reefing for several months now and have completed two successful fishless cycles. One being on my 13 gallon the other being my 37 gallon. I recently purchased a new 60 gallon tank and plan to move the contents of my 40 into the 60 (live rock, livestock, etc…). Obviously, I need...
  6. R

    Bio media question.

    Hello all. I currently have a internal filter on my reef tank that has spunges and bio balls in it. I am looking to upgrade my filter to and external canister filter (no sump no space under aquarium for one ) what would I do in regards to the new filter and the bio filtration as it will be...
  7. Devaji

    lets talk in sump bio media. rock vs matrix vs marine pure

    I would like to start a poll and see what R2R likes and uses. I would like to add some media to my new tank R 650P man made rock with NSA scape and sand but fell like i could use some bio media in the sump. what I am looking for is very pours so I dont have the classic pile of rock in the...