
  1. Fenwickwick

    Is This Nesting Behavior From a Clownfish?

    Is this nesting behavior? She’s never shown a bit of interest in the sinularia in over 2 years. Now she’s hosting it like it’s an anemone and has a particular interest in the little hole in the middle of the zoathids. She’s even pecking at some of them. She’s also a giant ****** when you put...
  2. Lago

    Hippo Tang Aggression Research Survey

    Please note: I would like to hear what your hippo tang in specific has done and would like to avoid what any other tangs have done in your tank, thank you for your participation. Hello all, I'm currently an undergrad student trying to conduct independent research on tang aggression. More...
  3. introvert.invert_hba

    Blue velvet damsel digging

    Hi!! I’ve had my damsel since June 2022 and overnight it has adapted a digging behavior in its preferred corner of the tank. Curious if anyone has any insight to this behavior and if it is a nesting behavior or trait related to males or females! here is a video of my damsel! Furthermore, my...
  4. B

    Is my YWG ok?

    My YWG did wonderful in QT and did what you'd expect from a watchman. But after moving to my main tank, two months ago he doesn't stay on the sandbed and will sometimes swim around the tank like crazy. I have really sensitive inverts thriving so is there something to be concerned about? See...
  5. Primus

    Blue Streak Cleaner Wrasse harassing my Long Nose Hawk

    I recently purchased a Long Nose Hawk, A Clownfish and a Cleaner Wrasse. For the most part, everything has gone well except that I have noticed that the cleaner seems to target the Long Nose Hawk disproportionately compared to the other fish for his cleaning service. The Long Nose hawk appears...
  6. C

    Haven’t seen new diamond goby since I added it 3 days ago. At what point should I be worried?

    About 3 days ago I added a diamond goby to my tank. I don’t have much experience with them myself but from what I can gather it seems like it’s not unusual to not see them for a while after they are added to a tank. My question is at what point should I be concerned? I think I know what rock...
  7. F

    Strange Banggai Cardinalfish Behavior?

    Hey all! I recently acquired 2 banggai cardinalfish which I believe to be a male and female. I’ve only had them home for a few days, but I’ve noticed every once and a while they will do this behavior. One will pause, fold it’s fins over and turn slightly, and then yawn. Occasionally the other...
  8. B

    Normal conch behavior???

    I purchased 2 strawberry conch. For a week after purchase they were SUPER active and exploratory. One still is 2 weeks later but for the last 3 days the other one hasn't moved. Is it stuck? When you see the picture you'll understand why I'm concerned about it being stuck.
  9. kategoebel

    Hippo tang acting strange

    Hi everyone! My hippo tang has been acting strange recently. I’ve had her for close to two years, and I purchased her as a young fish. I have a 75 gallon tank, with pretty mellow fish like clowns and gobies. About two weeks ago, I rearranged the tank and added some arches and a wave maker. I...
  10. J

    Lyretail Anthias v/s Darts issue

    Hi Everybody! I'm rather new to the hobby and have slowly been stocking my reef tank (65 gal) with fish. I had 2 clowns, 2 darts and 1 watchman goby. I decided to add a Lyretail Anthias, based on my understanding that they are peaceful. Unfortunately, she likes to chase the darts. Mostly when I...
  11. Dmtd1OfThePast

    Odd Anthia Behavior

    Hello All, so I have had three female Ignitus Anthias in my 120 gallon aquarium for 7 months now. All has been well up until about a month ago. One of my anthias parked up in a corner towards the top of the tank, and the other two seemed to almost be protecting it. It is not showing any signs of...
  12. T

    Cycling with two clownfish

    Hi so I’m new to the whole saltwater aquarium hobby and I’ve been enjorying it so far. Currently I’m trying to cycle my tank and I have dry rock with salt water and two small clownfish in a 30 gal. Here are the parameters: Salinity 1.023, Ammonia .7 ppm, Nitrite .25 ppm, Nitrate 10 ppm, Ph 7.9...
  13. catalystNfacade

    Bumblebee Shrimp and Turbo Snail best buds. Normal?

    The bumblebee shrimp is below the turbo snail I finally picked up 3 bumblebee shrimps and two of them (not sure what happened to the third) seem obsessed with the snails in my tank. Is this normal. I know there's a symbiotic relationship with Emperor Shrimps and nudibranches and various other...
  14. Spydersweb

    Weird tang behavior

    So I got a Kole tang about a week ago. Plump, eating well, zipping around the qt and seems very healthy. He does this weird thing though. Once in awhile, he’ll do this little scoot backwards once or twice, then go back to zipping around. It seems like he only does this when he knows I’m looking...
  15. August_S

    Tomini Tang rubbing against Naso Tang

    I have an established fish only tank. I have a relatively large Naso tang I’ve had for years and a Tomini tang that I’ve had for about 2 years. They get along just fine. Suddenly, they’re both huddled in the back of the tank, the Naso tang is vertical, and the tomini tang is facing the opposite...
  16. imanewberry

    Is this normal clownfish behavior?

    When I get home from work at night my clownfish goes nuts. I usually feed during the day and he gets fed plenty. He seems like he is all over the place and bumping into the glass but he may just be precisely swimming to each side. This seems a little erratic. Thoughts?
  17. Perpetual Novice

    Does anyone know what my wrasses are going?

    There are 2 female leopard wrasses introduced together and great companions for the last 6 months or so. Today I saw them doing this. Not sure whether to be concerned.
  18. M

    Clownfish suddenly agressive and swimmimg against glass

    Hi all I'm aware that clownfish are weird creatures, but this is concerning me a little. I have this pair of Ocellaris for over a year, they were always goofy but never agressive to one another or any tankmate. Since this morning both of them are swimming histerically against the glass...
  19. Gator2019

    Tomini tang swimming at the bottom

    I purchased a Tomini tang from a member of my local reef club yesterday. He had the fish for 3 months before he sold it to me and only got rid of it because his purple tang was bullying him. I put him into my tank last night at 6pm, right as my lights were dimming down hoping that would keep him...
Aquarium Specialty