beginner reefer

  1. elm03

    Best Starter Aquarium?

    Hi! I’m new to this and never had a salt/fresh water tank before. I’ve been looking at different stores and places online to get a tank, but I’m not sure which one is best? I was looking at glass frameless ones, and possibly something from fluval but I’m curious as to what everyone else thinks...
  2. 2manyideas

    Build Thread I need serious help with my build.

    I have a 36 gallon bow front that’s been running since beginning of February. Tank was set up with live sand, fluval cycle and a few live rocks from a tank at the LFS AI Nero Power head Aqueon hang on back filter CPR aquatics protein skimmer PH: 7.8 Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 40 These...
  3. C

    HELP! I accidently bought an Ornate Leopard Wrasse!!

    Hello, I have a 45 gal bow front tank that has been running for just over 3 months. I have had 2 small clownfish in it for the past 6 weeks. Yesterday my kids and I drove the 1.5 hrs to our local fish store to get our next fish. We spent at least 2 hours at the store talking about the tank...