beginner questions

  1. A

    High Nitrate, 0 nitrite and 0-0.25ppm ammonia

    Hi reef people! I'm very new to the hobby and could use some advice. So I have my 75 gal tank as seen in the pic. I have two oscarella clowns right now in there. -I'm doing once a month 20% water changes. - once a month fluval 307 filter cleaning - have the protein skimmer seen there - have...
  2. L0L_Z


    Ok fellas. I’ve decided to start a 15 gallon reef. I want it to be a mixed reef with sps down the line. I’m a complete beginner but I have been researching Here’s what I’ve decided on, feel free to recommend different corals/equipment and please point me out where I’m wrong :) Equipment Aqua...
  3. L

    Help - How To Silent Loud Overflow Box?

    Hello everyone, I need a little help with this issue I’m having. Hey everyone quick question. This isn’t my first tank, but it is my first tank with a sump. I’ve got the gate valve pretty dialed in, just need a little adjustment, but the overflow is so freaking loud. Any advice how to silence...
  4. The Small Questions

    Dwarf moray questions and general tank questions

    I'm planning on getting into saltwater, for 3 creatures in particular: The golden dwarf moray, the skunk cleaner shrimp, and the blood red fire shrimp. I want to make a reef tank out of a 32.5 gallon fluval flex (apparentally the light grows all of the easy tentacled corals that i love) and am...
  5. Blukraken

    Should I add a rock here?

    Looking at my current rockscape, I've been thinking that my surface area for corals is really lacking which would severely limit corals to the top and the bottom right slope. To rectify this I was thinking about adding a rock on this corner leaning onto the corner of the glass (yellow circle)...
  6. Kass

    Lighting help for beginner

    Hello! My 46 gallon bowfront tank is almost finished cycling. I am hoping to add a clownfish or coral in the next couple of weeks. However before I do that I would like to fix the lighting on my tank. I have a light: However my tank has a rim and the lip of the rim is connected to the center...
  7. L

    Advice needed - Return pump selection!

    Hello Everyone! I have had a 20-gallon long aquarium running for a few months now and I need advice on selecting a good return pump for my setup! I currently have a Tidal 55 HOB filter and will be switching to a sump here in the future as I'm moving my aquarium from my office to my living room...
  8. IHave0LifeExperience

    Will my 32 flex stocking work?

    im planning on getting the saltwater fluval flex (32.5 x 15.35 x 15.75") and i just want to know if this stocking list would work, forgive my lack of understanding or intelligence as i have only done basic research on reef tanks (know a bit about just "saltwater" tanks though) purple firefish...
Reef Chasers Aquaculture