beginner fish

  1. BleachedCoral

    Help on the order of fish I should introduce?

    Hello, I have a 126 gallon cycled tank ready for fish. I understand that aggressive fish are added last as to avoid them becoming bullies, but what about fish that seem to have variable temperaments? From what I read, something like a clownfish can be aggressive or calm, while royal gammas tend...
  2. SaltyShel

    New Fish

    Hey y’all!! Hope everyone is well. I have a 16g biocube I just set up, it’s a bare bottom with dry rock. I put some biospira in it but I don’t have any fish in there. i have a tank running that has a fish in it but I got it from my dad about 9 months ago, already set up with a fish & CUC, so...
  3. P

    Upgrading to a larger tank! 300 litres+

    Good morning / afternoon / evening everyone! I currently have a Waterbox 25, and a Red Sea Max nano (running two nanos it looks like I am a sucker for punishment!). I am looking to replace the Max Nano with a larger, and hopefully more stable tank. I am considering a few options, and would...
  4. chris17gable

    Stocking my Biocube 32

    Hello Everyone! The past few months I have finally bit the bullet and began my saltwater journey. I’m currently in the process of cycling my tank and so far so good. The problem I’m having and hoping you guys could help me with is stocking. I’ve done tons of research and everywhere has its own...
  5. J

    New to salt water : beginner fish

    I’m new to saltwater: running 34 gallon AIO, cycled the tank for 3 weeks with dr Tim’s one and only. Got a pair of ocellaris 1 inch in length. Partameters look good expect for nitrate - slightly elevated ( May take 4 months based on the research ). Planning to have a lights off for 2 months...