
  1. S

    EMERGENCY Anemone health!!

    hi everyone, this is kind if urgent. So i recently got a anemone and did everything correct into adding it in. I made sure the salinity was ok(1.025), ammonia was 0, nitrite was also 0 and some nitrate. I recently got into this hobby and I read that if you wanted to add corals you would have to...
  2. thatotherblkguy701

    Looking for tank's

    Just thought I'd check out a few forums and see if anyone is looking to get rid of any tanks or setups 40 gallons or less
  3. R


    Day 3 of adding fish after using ATM colony for cycling my tank. The levels are AMMONIA 0.25, NITRITE 1.0 nitrate 10ppm. When should i do a water ?
  4. Gonj

    yellow tang with ick????

    Hey all, so I’ve had this yellow tang in my tank since September 25,2021 he’s been doing great eats both the frozen food and algae I put in the tank. I recently introduced a fire fish and sand sifting goby late December who are also eating well. Today I noticed these marks on my tang, none of my...
  5. Uzair Aiman

    EMERGENCY Using Seachem Prime

    Hi. I know people will always tell me RODI water is the best water to use in our saltwater aquariums. But right now I’m in a bit of a pickle. My country’s undergoing lockdown due to COVID-19 and I do not have an RODI machine. I’m running low on my RODI water supply (and saltwater). So is it safe...
  6. ChandlerTingle

    Mixing Saltwater

    Is it ok to put in RODI Water first then adding the salt into the tank with two powerheads then adding the live sand once the salt has been mixed and finally the PVC Pipe? I’m stuck with RODI water in 8 five gallon buckets with lids so just trying to figure out which way would be better
  7. Gonj

    Hole in Wrasse?!

    I noticed my wrasse had a little hole in hit top fin yesterday, didn’t think much of it dismissed it as probably scuffing himself up while burying himself. Today the hole is considerably larger and he has a white circle in his side. I have 4 other fish none of which show similar symptoms and the...
  8. Gonj

    Worms in sand bed?

    Noticed these in my tank today, what are they, are they dangerous should I remove them?
  9. RockyroadReef

    First time setting up refugium. Any and all advice welcome!

    I am setting up a refugium in my sump. This is my first time so I don't know much other than what I watched on some YouTube videos. So any advice will be appreciated! I have a 75 gallon tank, ~30 gallon sump. Tank is established, I have lots of coral and fish in there. If any more information is...
  10. Gonj

    Blenny with Bloated Stomach

    So I noticed my blenny occasionally has a very bloated stomach, I'm not sure if it is related to this bubble he has on his fin, the bubble has gotten smaller so I took him out of QT but now seeing this inflamed stomach I'm not sure what I should do. It doesn't look like this all the time, but it...
  11. Gonj

    What’s on my Blenny??

    Had this Blenny for about a week now and I check on him daily, today I noticed this large ball on its fin. Any ideas what this could be, should I isolate it is it contagious, treatment ideas? Anything helps photos below thank you!
  12. Gonj

    QT Orchid Dotty back and Midas Blenny

    Just picked up a dottyback and blenny from lfs, I wanna quarantine before putting them in my dt. What medication is safe for them, I will be quarantining in the same tank. meds on hand : Cupramine Ruby reef rally Paraguard Metroplex any advice on how to quarantine these guys would help thanks!
  13. Gonj

    CaribSea Arag-Alive Hawaiian Black Sand

    I’m upgrading my tank from a 37g to an 85g system my 37g hasn’t been running for long I started with black sand per recommendation at a lfs. However now that I have this new tank I was looking at sand options and I’m seeing a lot of hate on black sand and how it’s known for messing with water...
  14. Gonj

    Clown missing tail?

    Hey! So I’ve been on quite a journey with my mocha clown I have him in qt with my frostbite snowflake, the mocha showed signs of Brook gave him a bath in rrr and treated tank with metroplex, once again after a couple weeks showed signs of Brook and had this worm like string coming out of him...
  15. Gonj

    Clownfish ID

    Bought these clowns at my lfs, I think they were in the wrong tank because the name outside of it did not match what they look like, can anyone help me id? Thanks! Pics below :)
  16. M

    Mangrove Help

    Hello all. I want to preface this by telling you what I’m needing help with; -How to save my black mangrove -How to care for the plant in the future -How to grow the black mangrove propagule(seed) that is healthy I collected my black mangroves from a chain of islands in Florida. The first...
  17. P

    EMERGENCY Pest in my tank

    I’ve recently noticed pest in my tank and my corals have became unhappy, i also see bubbles on the sandbed and a lot of algae on the glass, paramaters are okay, although cant tell for phosphate or ph, its been an ongoing thing with the pest so i wanna do a tank restart. I wanted to get some...
  18. calila

    New beginner tank - rushed corals

    So, I cycled my tank following the rules and I was ready to put some fish. I went to the store and got two clownfish and then I was amazed by the corals they had and I bought 2 little babies. I knew in the back of my head that I should have waited based on all the information I read. Anyway, I...
  19. saltysailor

    Hello Retro Red Sea all-in-one

    Hi all, I have never owned a saltwater tank before and am interested in starting. I saw a Red Sea 130D for sale for pretty cheap and think it might be a good idea. It doesn’t come with the light or the hood but I don’t mind because I figured open top and better light would be better for the tank...
  20. Jtfortune3

    Purple tang with Ich or velvet?? What to do?

    So I purchased a purple and yellow tang and added them at the same time 125 gallon tank. I noticed a few days later some dots on the purple.. they are both eating well and not flashing like many do with ich.. it went from just a handful of dots to ALOT!! I’ve run ichX for the past three days at...