begginer reeftank help

  1. R

    requirements for a nano soft coral tank!

    Hey guys. I just joined the saltwater gang and bought my own 10 gallon tank. It’s small BUT we gotta start somewhere. Anyways, it’s already cycled and therefore it already has fish in it ( a clown fish) and live rocks. Since my first goal was to set up this tank for fish and get it within the...
  2. bri.reffin

    return pump fails

    left my house to get a video of my tank over flowing with clouds only happens after having return pump on for some time
  3. bri.reffin

    Hello cloud from return pump and clogging sound

    i just added in my first two fish. Pump has been off from time to time, it runs fine. until it shoots out clouds and makes clogging noises. maybe the water level is to low from the return pump chamber(waterbox 20)
  4. H

    new 20g tank questions

    Hello! I've had my nano tank for a little more than a month now, and have a few questions. a few weeks back, I had a huge problem with red/brown thick algae growing on the rock and sand. it's mostly stopped growing there, but is now covering the glass. what's the normal timeline for a new tank...
  5. Hezam

    How big of a tank is too big for a beginner?

    Hello everyone! I am excited to join this forums after lurking and reading for months. I apologize if this is a repetitive question, but I didn't really the exact answer I want. Also I want to pick the brains of seasoned reefers to steer me in the right direction. Here's my dilemma. Read a lot...
  6. H

    4 part doser milage

    Hello, i'm setting up a 20 gallon reef, and have a 4 part doser on the way. what are the best 4 additives to add in your opinion? I have reef fusion one and two (Seachem has yet to disappoint). Are there dosable coral foods? Any additives that you swear by?
  7. R

    Will I Ruin my Cycle? (Noob Question)

    I’m building my first tank and I have everything set up and ready to go. I plan on cycling the tank with live Carib Sea Agra Alive, Dry Rock, Fritz Turbo Start, and 2 Clown fish. Will it be okay to have the Agra Alive sand and Saltwater running in the tank for a couple days before I add the...
  8. H

    new 90g reef stewardship, ideas?

    hello, I am in my high school's aquaculture program, and recently got assigned to revive the 90 gallon reef tank with a 20 gallon sump. I have a couple years of planted tank experience, and have been reading non-stop about reef tanks for about a week now, but it's still pretty alien to me. There...
  9. apolsod

    Stocking a 15 gallon

    Have a 15 gallon Waterbox cycling and was thinking about what would be interesting to add. Currently have around 8 pounds of dry rock and 2 pounds of live rock, as well as 10 pounds of live sand. I will eventually be adding corals. Anyone have any suggestions for both corals and or fish. This...
  10. BleachedCoral

    Are clams beginner friendly?

    Hello, I am setting up my first-ever 125 gallon soft coral reef tank. I'm interested in buying a clam as they look very beautiful, and I heard they help as a form of natural filtration. I was thinking of getting a Squamosa Clam or Maxima Clam, or some other beginner-friendly species. I know...
  11. H

    Sons fish turned into my new hobby

    I’m very new to this only ever had a beta fish. My son wanted a clown fish for his 7th birthday and didn’t know how hard it would be to maintain not just the fish but the tank and what he can add to the tank. Bought him a Evo 13.5 with some live rocks and said why not go all in. I started...
  12. megan.911

    NEED HELP! First time salt water tank owner!

    Hello, I am BRAND NEW to the fish world and was gifted a 13 gallon Fluval salt tank and need to know where to start. I’ve watch YouTube videos, I’ve read up but for some reason can’t figure out where to start. Where is the best place to get supplies? Is it safe to just go off what the fish store...
  13. P

    New coral growth?

    Hi all i bought a acropora about a month and a half ago looking like this and today i noticed white tips like this Is that a sign of growth?
  14. guppyexpress

    Lighting values on a Fluval sea

    Hello! So I’m very new to saltwater not so much to fresh, and I’ve had great experiences with Fluval lighting so I purchased a Fluval Sea to use for lighting. And it turns out that after some use. I can not find what values to use in order to make my coral really glow in color. Everything I do...
  15. J

    40 gal stocking

    Hey guys I have a 40 gallon reef tank set up and it’s almost out of the cycling stage. I plan on keeping hardy corals in there and adding them once the tank is about 3-6 months old, or at least after the algae bloom stage is over. I am thinking of adding the following fish: - 1x Clownfish: I...
  16. A

    HELP - Brown spots on live rock

    Hello, I’m newer to saltwater tanks and have absolutely loved everything about it. I’m having trouble, and could really use suggestions. I have a Waterbox Cube 10 that is going on 3 months. The tank currently houses a clown, purple fire fish, shrimp, mini conch, and 2 turbo snails. Levels...
  17. F

    Fish dead help

    Need some major help. For the past 6 months ive been struggling with my first marine tank, I keep getting help from these guys at the pet store, but alot of time their advice controdicts themselves. Right now my tank is just some live rock, sand, 2 cleaner crabs and two ocellaris clownfish...
  18. KIKe


    Hello everyone, I am new to this saltwater world, Just bought some SPS and they seem to be happy, are there any tips for me? I have a 10gallon waterbox.
  19. 99gtbaby

    Red slime algae?

    Started week two of my cycle on a 55 gallon tank, tank has 55lbs of sand, two bags were live sand, and about 40lbs of rock that was bone dry when put in. I noticed these tiny reddish brown areas on my rocks. My water temp is 80°F, ammonia earlier was 1, Ph was 8.1, nitrite was 2 and nitrate was...
  20. Jinjer

    Cant find bulkhead small enough

    so I recently acquired an aqua top reef3 cube. It was supposed to be a full setup plumbing included but long story short I only got the tank. It came drilled and I'm having trouble figuring out what size bulk heads to order because the hole drilled for the return is less than an inch in...
  21. B

    EMERGENCY Algae identification help

    My tank is around one month old and all params are good(nitrate 10 ammoni 0 nitrite 0) but I am having this red hair algae/diatoms on my rock is this what that is? Is this Dino? If so how can I remove without taking apart tank as I have new fish and corals in
  22. TheWackyWiz

    5 gallon DIY Fuge feedback?

    Hi Everyone, I recently posted about the HOB 70 refugium have set up and ya'll really came through with great guidance so thank you for that! I've been thinking more about my set up and I have a Marineland 5g Portrait that I am wondering if I could turn into a stand alone fuge? I would locate...
  23. A

    Hello Hello everyone!

    hello, after a year of wanting to start a tank I finally did it! I have a 6.6 gallon long tank that I would like some advice on. What’s a good filter for it and what kind of power head should I use? any advice on equipment would be appreciated. I have a aqueon 500 in there now just to have...
  24. TheWackyWiz

    HOB 70 fuge questions??

    Hey Everyone, First I wanted to say how informative and helpful this community has been as I've taken my first steps into the saltwater side of the hobby! Second, hoping to get some guidance on my set up. It's a 20g high and I modded an Aquaclear 70 HOB into my refugium. Its been working...
  25. Jtreps

    First time aquascaping help! Critique my 20G cube :)

    I have a 20 gallon Red Sea nano max and was trying to create a twin island type of look! I’m not sure how well this will be in the long run for a mixed reef tank. What corals would do well with the levels of lighting provided? Help with that would be greatly appreciated as well! Should I tweak...