
  1. seafarer's.reef

    walking batfish friend

    Recently bought a walking batfish at the fish store, been wanting one for years. I have a plan to get it eating, however, has anyone else had experience with one? Would be cool to learn something I've maybe overlooked for greater success.
  2. Madangelo

    Bat fish options

    My fireplace insert saltwater fish tank is 20 gallons. And I’m pretty happy with having corals and only a Pinnatus batfish. What’s your opinions on this.
  3. AquaLocker

    GOT FISH??? We Do! Get them now at HUGE Savings!

    Here are some of the smaller categories we have! We will continue adding larger categories like Blennies, Gobies, Pufferfish, Butterflies, Anthias, Triggerfish, and more. Shop All Saltwater Fish here:
  4. Harse Designs

    Juvenile Orbicular Batfish

    like and subscribe thanks
Queen City Corals