
  1. C

    Changing from having a maintenance company to DIY

    Hi! I currently have 3 tanks - a 250g reef tank, a 50g ish fish only tank, and a 40g ish decommissioned jelly tank. The fish only tank is at my home and the other two are at my office. They all have been and currently are being maintained by a company since I've had them (about 4 years)...
  2. polyppal

    Experienced Reefkeepers - Help with article on 'Common mistakes new hobbyists make'

    I'm writing an article for my LRC on common mistakes that we often see people make in this hobby, and how they can be avoided. I thought id pick the minds of fellow experienced reefers here (since we see and respond to such posts daily here) Not interested in debates or crackpot theories on...
  3. MegLaina

    Discovered Great series!

    Hey everyone! I am excited about this series on YouTube I’ve been watching and figured I would share. This guy is very experienced and shares some great history and information on reef keeping that I think experienced hobbiests and beginners could benefit from. It’s kind of back to the basics...
Dinkins Aquatic Gardens