banggai cardinal

  1. D

    Mother Banggai and baby Bangaii reunion. Is this rare?

    After countless fry showing up for only a day and my attempts at netting them were impossible….then disappearing …. a baby has seemed to survived beyond demise in my display. He has been around for about 6+ weeks now in the display with 17 other fish since spotting him: over last 6 weeks, I...
  2. P

    Banggai Cardinal refusing to eat

    I got a banggai cardinal 5 days ago and I've been feeding him little by little to see if he would eat the frozen food, which he always did. Today, he refused to eat any of the food given. Some of the food dropped literally on his mouth and he just turned the other way. Any help on this? I am...
  3. anabechara

    Enrichment for the fish???

    Hello everyone! I am wondering if you guys know a way to provide enrichment / exciting experiences for my fish. I have a 45G tank with 2 clowns, 1 royal gramma, 1 gold midas blenny, 1 longnose hawkfish and 2 banggai cardinal. I would like to help them have some fun to make their lives happier...
  4. F

    Strange Banggai Cardinalfish Behavior?

    Hey all! I recently acquired 2 banggai cardinalfish which I believe to be a male and female. I’ve only had them home for a few days, but I’ve noticed every once and a while they will do this behavior. One will pause, fold it’s fins over and turn slightly, and then yawn. Occasionally the other...
  5. mia424

    Banggai cardinalfish hiding and not eating

    I am currently in the process of starting my first saltwater aquarium which is a 120 gallon FOWLR. Yesterday I got my first fish, a banggai cardinalfish. It is currently in my 10 gallon QT tank before it will go in the display. Since I got it yesterday, it has been hiding in the corner of the...
  6. ajtomase

    Food for Banggai Cardinalfish

    Hi everyone, I just got 3 (QT'd) Banggai Cardinalfish in yesterday and always saw that they spit out mysis and omega enriched brine shrimp (I assume it was too big for them). I did also add Hikari's coral gumbo in their last feeding and saw them picking at the water column so I assume they're...
  7. Ninic Luka

    bangai cardinal

    so month ago i got this s bangai cardina for male who lost his girlfriend. baby bangai went through qt and now is in acclimation box that they will be inthere for few days. i saw that male is checking out baby one not sure if he is trying to bond or kill them what do you think.
  8. 15aleo

    EMERGENCY 4 dead fish this morning...others in danger?

    I thought my tank was finally ready to add fish, but I woke up this morning to find 4 dead fish. I don't know what I did wrong. I added 2 saddleback clownfish, 2 damselfish, 2 banggai cardinalfish, 2 blue leg hermit crabs, and a turbo snail to my tank last night after double checking the water...
  9. Jon_CA

    Banggai cardinal bullied

    I had one juvenile banggai cardinal that was in my tank for about a month. Now I just got another one of the same size. The new one is getting bullied the first day. When I picked it up, its fin was nipped at the fish store (I didn’t notice until I got home). It got further damaged by the...
  10. BurtMacklin

    Build Thread 65 Gallon Mixed Reef

    65 gallon DT custom drilled for a Modular Marine 1600GPH overflow + 20 gallon sump. Tunze 9410 Protein Skimmer Aquastation DC-4000 return pump Finnex MHM 200 Watt Heater Marineland 200 Watt Heater Inkbird Digital outlet heat temperature controller Kessil AP9x LED Freesea FS-230 power head (x2)...
  11. L

    Conditioning diet

    What can i use for conditioning banggai cardinals? i know chopped squid, mysis and even baby guppies??? If I bought baby saltwater mollies from my LFS would that still be the same as the guppies? would it have the same effect? and "wild" cherry shrimp, there are people in my area selling...
  12. Olmeg_The_Green

    Benggai Cardinal Died, trying to understand why.

    Hey guys, new reefer here. SO last night one of our 2 Banggai Cardinals died. Here's the timeline, 4:30 - roommate arrives home and both cardinal fish are swimming normally 8:00 - I notice one cardinal is missing. Find it on bottom side of tank gasping rapidly 9:00 - fed tank and all fish...
  13. SteveG_inDC

    Group quarantine question: FW bath one at a time?

    Looking for some advice specific to this quarantine I have 6 tank-raised banggai cardinalfish in quarantine right now. After 5 days, they seem to look healthy, no signs of aggression or disease. They are swimming normally (for this species) and eating. They actively seek food of all kinds, but...
  14. F

    Banggai and Pajama Cardinal hybrid

    Okay, I am totally new to this forum but have a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium and a totally interesting situation! I have a banggai and pajama cardinal and didn't even think them breeding was possible or likely, but my banggai cardinal has been acting strange- not eating, staying in a corner...
  15. lazycouch

    food recommendations??

    hey guys i’m new to the hobby and i have a small clown and small banggai cardinal (about 1-1.5in). the banggai has been in the tank for about 2.5 weeks and clown about 1.5 weeks. the clown eats real well mysis, blood worms, flakes but i rarely see the banggai eat anything. he chews every food i...
  16. lazycouch

    fish suggestions??

    hello! i own a 30 gallon tank (about 1 month in after cycle) and currently have an oscellaris clown + banggai cardinal , 2 small hermits, and one cleaner shrimp as well as some leathers and zoas. i’m ready to start researching another fish and thought it might be cool to get inspiration from...
  17. N

    Clownfish was missing his tail

    Last night i went to bed and all the fish were fine. This morning i woke up and my yellow tailed chroma was dead my banggai cardinal was dead and one of my clown fish was missing his tail and died just a few minutes ago. My levels are Nirate 0 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Ph 7.8 or 8 And the saltinity is...
  18. Almondkc

    Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai Cardinalfish)

    I have been watching my male BC for a few weeks, I noticed at one point early on I could see the 'pink spheres' in his mouth and then just last week noticed that I could see what appeared to be a mini BC peaking out. When he started to gape his mouth I thought that the time was very near...