bangaii cardinals

  1. K

    Check out my video of breeding cardinals in 32 gal Biocube.

    Hey guys thought you might like this little video I put together of the Biocube. My cardinals have done this one other time and we had little babies swimming around however the male got hungry unfortunately. Enjoy.
  2. jacquesPiette

    Cardinalfish lovers

    I love Cardinalfish! their angular shape, their colours, their unique behaviors. understand my surprise when i find that there isnt a whole lot about theses guys on the internet (exept the pyjama and the bangai) i have a 55 gallon tank with three pyjamas, 3 bangais and 3 longspine cardinalfish...
  3. jaime31

    Fish for sale

    NYC Manhattan area. I do not ship sorry I have a snowflake clown and a banggai cardinal up for sale.. I have a Trio clown pair that do not like the snowflake for some reason. I’ve tried multiple times to release him from his quarantine cage inside the DT but it looks like they are holding a...
  4. S

    Shutting down tank. In Sydney region.

    I have a decora Gobi, bangai cardinal and a clownfish that I'd like to sell. As well as some zoas and a mushroom coral. I've also got salt, suppliments and test kits that id sell for cheap. If anyone is interested.

    Bangaii cardinal carrying eggs

    Hi saw the male and female dancing followed by the eggs been ejected and male holding them in his mouth….. Not done this before so just looking for advice….. don’t have a spare tank but closer to the time going to put him in a breaded within my tank….. Think I’ve read he hold them for a month...
  6. darrow0903

    Brown discoloration on Bangaii Cardinal

    Hi all, I’m new to the site and semi new to reefing. I’ve always taken care of Discus and African cichlids. I still have a fear of putting in corals but hopefully this forum will help. I just have a bit of concern with my newly acquired Bangaii Cardinals. One of them has a brownish...
  7. B

    EMERGENCY Cardinal fish with cloudy eye and nodules on bottom

    My cardinal fish had one cloudy eye yesterday evening, I checked my water and nitrates were a little elevated so, just to be safe, I did a 50% water change. He was also swimming very close to the bottom so I put him in this tank that is meant for baby fish to avoid him being eaten by my...
  8. mvhpets

    fish for a 30 gallon

    hi. i have a 30 gallon tank( and a 7 gallon sump which i plan to upgrade to a 20 gallon) with a pair of clowns and 1 goby. i wanted to add more fish and i was thinking i would add either bangdai cardinals or green chromis. how many of each would be nice for this tank without overstocking or...
  9. Ninic Luka

    bangai cardinal

    so month ago i got this s bangai cardina for male who lost his girlfriend. baby bangai went through qt and now is in acclimation box that they will be inthere for few days. i saw that male is checking out baby one not sure if he is trying to bond or kill them what do you think.

    Bangaii Mating

    Can someone try and confirm this is a male…. This one has 1 sticking out nub and like a flat one which is making me double guess……while my other has 2 sticking out and is clearly a male…..Any help would be approximated thanks ( Both these pic are the fish with 1 clear nub and a flat one )

    Bangaii cardinal

    Hi I had 1 bangaii in my tank and went to buy another 3 as I was told you can keep them together….. I now know this is only correct as juveniles….. 1 of them I found dead and the first bigger bangaii is constantly at the other 2 …… Asked for 2 females and a male which again they said would be...
Frag Farm