
  1. C

    Stocking 40g breeder

    Stocking 40g breeder - •Fish• 2 normal clownfish 1 Blue Throat Fairy Wrasse 1 Springeri Damsel 2 Bangaii Cardinalfish 1 Leopard Wrasse ▪︎Coral▪︎ Mainly Euphyllia Hammers & Torchs, although currently only 1 Hammer and 1 Frogspawn Also... 1 Green Monticap 1 Green Finger Leather 1 Fire Finger...
  2. CincyReefer07

    Tips on Catching a Bully Bangaii in Large Tank

    Hey guys… I took my chances on 3 Bangaii Cardinals for my 310 gallon which will be a mixed reef, only about 12 corals and a nem in the tank right now. They were being sold fully quarantined as a trio. They arrived small/juveniles back in late September. Been in the tank now since then. But just...
Ecotech Marine