bag acclimation

  1. fryman

    Have acclimation protocols changed?

    Two suppliers I've used recently explicitly warned *not* to drip acclimate - biota and reefcleaners. I've always been a little skeptical that fish are so sensitive to salinity changes. A popular treatment for flukes is the "freshwater dip" where we drop a sick fish from normal salinity...
  2. jackalexander

    Online Fish Acclimation

    I have heard some crazy ideas for acclimating fish that have been on long journeys to our homes such as using soda stream carbonation to match the pH in order to reduce the risk of gill burn after introducing O2 to the bag. What would be the simplest method (besides dripping) for acclimating a...
  3. Lillmoya

    Temp & Drip Acclimating Simultaneously

    I bought my first marine fish yesterday, a beautiful pair of ocellaris clowns! One yellow and one a picture perfect Nemo orange. I’d had plenty of freshwater fish in the past, but this being my first marine fish... needless to say I was nervous. I didn’t have a container to drip acclimate them...