bad growth

  1. T

    No ZOA/Soft/LPS/SPS growth and xenia is wilting away

    I have a 29 gallon standard that has been running since 11/13/21 and I've had no growth of any coral at all. My parameters seem to be okay Mag :1260 Calcium: 500 Nitrate: ~5 PH: 8 KH: 11.3 Salinity: 1.023 Phosphate kit expired I run a Seachem tidal 35 HOB with matrix and Chempure GFO with an...
  2. CRath

    Hammer coral growing hanging heads

    Hi there, I have the weirdest thing going on with my hammer coral. I have a gold branching hammer that is growing in a weird way. Its new heads are growing as if they were some wacky wall hammer. One of the heads is growing skeleton, but is only attached to the colony by tissue...