bad experience

  1. declannr

    EMERGENCY Bad Water Parameters, REEFER 250

    Hi I’m looking for some help I recently got into reef keeping just over Christmas I started out with a reefer 170 and very quickly got bored of this and realised I should have gone for a reefer 250 so within a month I upgraded I set my reefer 250 up on the 04/02/2022 so it has been running...
  2. D misreprented product, no service

    This is my first order with Corals Anonymous and I picked up 3 Bali Blood Red Mini Carpet Anemones. The item description states that these anemones were 0.5-1 inch, what I received were tiny juveniles that were at best 1/8 of an inch at the largest. These anemones were so small they are hard...
  3. agame2021

    Looking for a frostbite clownfish

    I am looking for a place to buy some frostbite clownfish I would love an orange/white/blue and a black/white/blue. Does anybody know of an online store or breeder? What about LFS in Phoenix az? I have looked around and found 1 place that sells them but I haven’t received any info for shipping...
Tenecor Aquariums