bacteria infection

  1. S

    Help IDing ich vs brook

    Can someone help me determine if this is ich vs brook? Long story short, I found what I thought was a good deal on a kole tang and added it to my reef. All seemed well at first but now I've noticed a few spots on its fins which spread to all over its body. It seems to have infected my orchid...
  2. L

    Help! What's this slimy stuff on my goniopora and alveopora??

    This stuff hasn't seemed to get better or substantially worse. What can I do to make it stop? It seems to get worse then better then worse again.
  3. bbpros2b

    EMERGENCY Blue Faced Angel with what looks like a bacterial infection

    Hello I really need some professional help with figuring out what is wrong with my Blue Faced Angel? I have a blue faced Angel and a dog face puffer and Hawkfish in quarantine and the Tank came down with Ich a week after purchasing the fish. I am on day 7 treatment at full dose of cupramine and...
  4. A

    Growth on clownfish face

    Hey everyone, I have had a small clown in qt for 8 days. The tank had been cycled and is currently sitting at 2.5 ppm copper power. I did a dose of GC on aug 8 and I al going to do the second one tmrw. Currently I noticed that there is a white growth near the gill/face. Not sure what it is but...
  5. Gophish1982

    Flame Angel possible bacterial infection? Looking for advice.

    I have some fish in a 40 gal quarantine. I noticed that the flame angel’s rear fin was starting to look a bit frayed and had some discoloration. Then I noticed it had a white spot on it’s body behind it’s left fin, and that fin also had some discoloration. It’s a bigger spot then when I had...
  6. CaliDanhReef

    In tank cipro dosing

    In Tank Cipro treatment simplified. This is used for brown jelly disease. Can be use for other things like torch bacteria infection.This is how I did it simplify from the Original thread. I have to give credit to the original thread because they help me treat brown-jelly disease in my tank and...