bacteria in a bottle

  1. alexa08

    Reef Casa Studio 12 Starter Kit

    I am planning on purchasing the Reef Casa Studio 12 aquarium kit.. Ive heard TONS of great reviews, however It come with 6lbs of dry aquarium sand and a bottle of bacteria. I am wondering if anyone has purchased this kit and purchased live sand instead... IF you did that route, did you have to...
  2. Muffin87

    What bacteria in a bottle to kickstart NoPoX?

    What are some good bacteria in a bottle products to get NoPoX going and doing its thing? I've had mixed results with other commercial carbon sources so far, so I'd like to start using NOPOX since its known to just work in the vast majority of cases. My tank uses dry rock and only has fish at...
  3. E

    Hello Too much beneficial bacteria?

    I’ve recently brought a saltwater tank and after cycling it added 3 fish. After a week of having the fish in the tank I’ve had a nitrite spike, due to my own fault of feeding them too much the first few days whilst getting used to it all. A visit to my LFS (10 days into spike with nitrite...
  4. Muffin87

    Best way to seed bacteria for carbon dosing?

    With my last tank it took ages to get biopellets going: Two little fishies Bactiv8 was a failure for me. Zeobak seemed to take ages, maybe because of the barebottom? I now have 90G barebottom with newly cycled dry rock. What are the best products to introduce the bacteria needed for carbon...
  5. M

    Best bottle bacteria for Dino’s

    So I’ve been dealing with Dino’s for a while and I want to know what’s the best bottled bacteria to use while battling Dino’s. I used microbacter7 but don’t really know how effective it is.
  6. S

    Nitrobac bottle dosing.

    Hello. I’m currently at the end of the cycle for my tank. Ammonia is trace and nitrites have risen and are now nearing 0. Nitrates were at 25 ppm so I’ve done a 25/30% water change today to lower it somewhat. from advice on here I have added my first fish today and all appears to be healthy...