bacteria bloom

  1. b0bburg3r

    None stop bacterial bloom 5 weeks long

    Hello I hate to ask for help. After some time I finally realized my fish were breathing heavy from a bacterial bloom. To save the fish I would change the water. Then it would come back. Three fish stores testing my water, with me testing daily I can’t figure it out. Here is a picture before and...
  2. SaltyShel

    Bacteria bloom?

    [Little bit of info/background]: I had this 16g tank running, empty, for months. It never had lights on, only sunlight, and I thought it was cycled based on the ammonia/nitrate being none or low. A couple weeks ago my poor clown was dying and I tried to save him, so I put him in this tank (the...
  3. darkwaterperformance

    Coraline algae die off!! Help?

    Hello, I need some answers please. I setup a fluval 13.5 evo with live rock live sand and a bottle of dr Tim’s 5 weeks ago but I think I left the live rock in the open air for too long while setting up aqua scape and had some coraline algae die off chipping off and floating. My question is, does...
  4. N

    We got bacteria bloomin' and RIP Hermit crab

    I just got my first ever reef tank and it's been amazing. I have had the tank about 3 weeks to a month now. It (now) has two hermit crabs, 5 snails,two damsels and one small polyp of a green star polyp. All doing well minus the recent hermit crab dying. I have two questions: 1. Should I do...
  5. G

    Im in a battle right now and I need your help!

    After being successful with a FOWL tank I decided to take it a level higher and make it a reef tank. I started with KENT MARINE NANO CORAL A AND B and VIPRASPECTRA 165W I dosed accordingly and only once since starting this tank, I want to say a month ago. Im currently still using Instant ocean...
  6. W

    White string floating around

    Hello everyone! I am 3 weeks into my 55 gallon tank cycle and I just moved my over the tank filter to move it the right a little bit and out flew all this white fluffy/stringy stuff and it’s all over my tank! Is this good bacteria or is this bad? I just added two Clownfish in today. Salinity -...
  7. JimmyToque

    Strange red ribbony algae/bacteria

    What am I dealing with here guys? It’s starting to take over the tank. Appreciate any help
  8. Mandrew

    Brown slime help please!

    I’ve been googling away trying to figure out what this could be with no luck.. one thing to note, the tank has been without water changes for a solid 4-5 months. That’s besides the point, I just want to know what I’m battling I do believe a shrimp/goby pair died in the tank shortly after I put...
  9. N

    Bacteria bloom iv never seen

    Hello everybody. I have a pretty unique question. I am not new to reefing I have Been reefing for the last 6-7years. I do mostly nano tanks and have a problem with a new 20 long I have started. It’s about a month and a half old, two clown fish and 20 pounds of live rock and running a canister...
  10. A

    Cloudy water

    I have a 75g aquarium been running for a couple of months now, I cycled the tank with the microbacter starter kit and it went well. The starter kit also came with a bottle of microbacter clean, to use over the next few months to battle through the ugly phase. The ugly phase has begun and hasn't...
  11. 3

    Dino outbreak

    So I had a green hair algae outbreak, then an ammonia spike, I dosed kordon AmQuelPlus ammonia detoxifier, it kills ammonia nitrite and nitrate, and chlorine. Things started to bounce back. I lost 2 cyphastrea, and a birdsnest, during that ammonia spike, it went to 0.50ppm. my xenia has been...
  12. Erik the Red

    Milky water before adding bacteria

    Hi, I have an issue with my tank. Its brand new, I have just used RO water and added the salt pouring it in small bits while the mp10 was turned on to help stirring. I used dry rocks, some glued with cement, and were washed before going in the tank. no bacteria inoculation was added I don’t...
  13. Singspot

    Is this bacteria blo9m or Algae or something else?

    I have a 240DT in a total 300g FOWLR. I started adding 7ml nopox 2 months back to control nitrates (my phosphate is near-0, I use gfo) but nitrate climb to 50 in 1 week after water change (30%) i up the nopox to 6 ml noon and 6 ml night for last 3 weeks. Any suggestions on what this is ans...
Black Label Aquatics