baby snail

  1. FrameAngel

    can anyone know about, what kind of baby snail in my tank (Clip attached)

    Hi All, can anyone know about, what kind of baby snail in my tank. I have lot of these snail and I'm not sure it is danger or not. I need to remove it or not? Is it reefsafe? can anyone advise me. Thanks in advance. I have attached clip for my reference
  2. sarinaruu

    baby turbo snail?

    saw this guy on my rocks, and now he’s on my glass. i thought it was an elephant snail but his foot and mouth looks like my turbo! except he doesn’t have a shell, i’d love to know about their breeding habits. i’ve had my turbos about 4 months now.
  3. c_johns89

    Snails in skimmer

    Has anyone had issues with snails getting stuck in the skimmer pump water intake? My trochus snails spawned in my tank and I have a bunch of babies, which I thought was great, until this morning. I saw that my skimmer wasn't drawing in enough water so I assumed it was clogged with something...
  4. fox0521

    Baby astrea or alien??

    Hey folks! I noticed this guy cruising around my tank a few weeks ago. Didn’t think much of it, honestly. Thought it might even be a baby astrea but I can’t tell (mainly because I’ve never seen a baby astrea). It’s not causing any harm to anything in the tank, just cruises around the glass and...
  5. Nate_Krohn

    Hundreds of baby snails.. urchin and a starfish?

    I woke up at about 2 am to enjoy my tank when the lights go off and there are hundreds of baby snails on the rocks and on the glass.. I also saw what looked like a baby urchin and some type of starfish. Can anyone help ID them?? I posted some pics. They’re not the best because they’re at night.
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