australian live rock

  1. ShawnM24

    New York Live Goods SOLD Australian live rock Ithaca New York

    I have 20 to 30lbs of Australian live rock left from my build my loss your gain would like $15 a pound but I am flexible. This is the good stuff and it’s cured. I am in Ithaca New York
  2. D

    Primo deco live rock/Australian liverock

    Does anyone know where I can buy live rock like this? Or Australian live rock that isn’t sold out? I’ve tried numerous places for Australian and can’t seem to find it anywhere in stock. I am also having trouble finding the primo deco live rock that isn’t sold out. I don’t need much of it...
  3. F

    Just picked up Australian Live Rock!!!

    I happened to be in LA this week with the family. Stopped by warehouse to pickup some AMAZING Australian Live rock!! @Eric Cohen was great on helping me out over the phone and accommodating me. I met Kyler & Nayt who helped me pick through all the rock...these 2 guys were...