
  1. markushio40b

    Tang being attacked?

    I currently have a Scopas Tang, 2 Clowns, and a Valentino Puffer. I just noticed today that the Tang seems to have 2 bite marks on its back fins. Is it possible the puffer did this or even the clowns? They all seem very calm around each other and even swim together in groups. I have been cutting...
  2. chocomallows007

    new Powder Brown Tang bullying my old fishes

    So I just got a new Powder Brown Tang and I was expecting my Six Line and Basslet to bully him, but instead he’s bullying my Foxface and Basslet. I haven’t seen him bully my Six Line and Clownfishes yet (hopefully he leaves them alone. It’s been 5 hours now and I haven’t seen him chase them). He...
  3. J

    Bigger clown attacking a smaller one

    I currently have two clownfish and I have been having them for about 2-3 weeks now. I noticed that a true percula (large) is attacking a oscellaris (small). Small one is just hiding at the corner and sometimes shakes when the large one attacks. It does not seem too aggressive usually, but...
  4. tailoftwogobies

    coral banded shrimp issues

    hi y’all! another question.. we caught a coral banded shrimp literally red handed just now with our wheeler goby in his grip.. is this something that happens a lot with those shrimp? we’ve never seen one or caught one in this case doing this! he literally snatched our goby right up in his claw...
  5. GoFish

    Corals vs Corals...Fight!!! (w/ Pictures)

    So I'm always curious to know which corals will kill other corals. I've learned several valuable lessons after few years in the hobby and have saved some pics of what happens WHEN CORALS ATTACK! Post pics if you can, names and or genera will help too. Lets try to make a database out of this...
Cultivated Reef