asterina star

  1. L

    Is it normal for asterina starfish to latch onto seahorses?

    I know I have a lot of questions but I've got another! So I've noticed asterina starfish latching onto my seahorses and it seems to irritate them. When they get off they leave a white mark. I got a harlequin shrimp but is this normal?
  2. L

    EMERGENCY Are these asterina starfish eating my zoanthid??

    My zoanthid has looked worse and worse over the past couple weeks and I just noticed there are little asterina starfish all over it. Is there any correlation???
  3. L

    Can I put a harlequin shrimp with my seahorses for asterina starfish?

    I have asterina starfish in my seahorse tank and they keep latching onto the seahorses and irritating them. Can I get a harlequin shrimp to help? Second question: will a harlequin shrimp eat tiny bristle stars i have in my sponges and sea fans?
  4. Mnmbrix

    Hitchhikers Guide to the SeaGalaxy! ID help

    Just noticed some little additions that I hadn’t seen before. Does anyone know what my little hitchhikers are and if they are dangerous? Thought maybe Asterina, not sure what the others are near my mushrooms thanks in advance for any help!
  5. I

    Is this an asterina starfish?

    I only saw this guy today when I came home, there’s only one of them, but I have corals in the tank so I’m a little concerned if it’s an asterina. I’ve attached photos for reference, but if it is an asterina, what should I do with it? I’d feel bad if I had to kill it. Thanks for all your help!
  6. F

    Asterina starfish

    I have encountered a asterina starfish as a hitchhiker, should I put it in the tank or get ride of it? I’ve seen some keep and some get ride but not 100% what to do.
  7. Irregardless


    Do you consider them a nuisance? Are they messing with your zoa's? Are you tires of seeing 1-4 legged booger specs all over the your tank? I want 'em. I have a micro 26 oz I need to fill with Asterinas. I've already cleared out my local stores as they don't want them infesting their display...
  8. N

    Aquaculture asterina starfishh experiment

    I want more than anything to have a Harlequin Shrimp.. BUT I also don't want to feed it chocolate chip starfish every other week, that could get expensive and my partner thinks chocolate chip starfish are cute, so that eliminates that option. I have been looking into other ways to feed the...
  9. Sshannon

    Florida WTB WTB or "rent" Harlequin Shrimp in South Florida

    I've got an asterina problem that are munching on my zoas. If you are in Palm Beach county and you have a single Harlequin shrimp I can "rent" out for a few months, that'd be great. I'd buy it upfront and return it back to you in a few months for a small refund, or find a new buyer if you do...
  10. Y

    Help with id im guessing some form or asterias? Keep or get rid?

    Hi all A little help please, found this guy. Do we think keep or get rid? I think its some form of asterias and read differing views on them? All views and advice welcome.
  11. Reefer37

    Tips on Catching Coral Predators

    So I have had my tank running about a year and half now. I suspect I have a coral eater in my tank. I know it's none of my fish. I have a pair of clowns, a yellow coris wrasse, and a bicolor blenny. My inverts are red legged hermits, one blue legged hermit, astrea, nassarius, trochus snails, and...
  12. PirateGirl60

    Aquilonastra or Asterina? Please identify

    Hi everyone, just harvested these this morning. Are they Asterina or Aquilonastra? I believe they are Aquilonastra but would like someone to verify.
  13. Sipec

    Good or bad asterina?

    Is this a good asterina or bad one? Kinda funny, can't recall seeing a star with that few legs
  14. Reefer37

    Asterina Star?

    So just spotted this guy this morning before lights came on. He started making his was back into the sand bed when lights started coming on. Can anyone ID if this is an asterina star?