
  1. kdtorgy

    Zoa attacked by Asterina Starfish

    My new zoa frag was doing well until I found an Asterina starfish attached. Starfish couldn’t have been attached for more than 12 hours. Removed carefully but frag still looks bad after 3 days. Any suggestions on helping it get healthy? I dose ReefEnergy AB+ every other day.
  2. JTP424

    What to do with old/pest ridden rock?

    First time poster, going to try to be more active as I'm working on getting more involved in the hobby. I was given a tank that has probably 20lbs of live rock in it, infested with vermetid snails and asterina starfish. Previous owners just kind of let whatever grow grow. Has a bunch of brown...
  3. Irregardless


    Do you consider them a nuisance? Are they messing with your zoa's? Are you tires of seeing 1-4 legged booger specs all over the your tank? I want 'em. I have a micro 26 oz I need to fill with Asterinas. I've already cleared out my local stores as they don't want them infesting their display...
  4. N

    Aquaculture asterina starfishh experiment

    I want more than anything to have a Harlequin Shrimp.. BUT I also don't want to feed it chocolate chip starfish every other week, that could get expensive and my partner thinks chocolate chip starfish are cute, so that eliminates that option. I have been looking into other ways to feed the...
  5. Alaeriel

    Asterina and Macroalgae?

    I've set up a nano macro tank to grow out some algae for the 200 gallon tank. We picked up some true live rock and it came with this little guy. Looks like an asterina to me. I've seen anecdotes of some specimens munching on corals, but very few reports about their interactions with macro. He's...
  6. Reefer37

    Tips on Catching Coral Predators

    So I have had my tank running about a year and half now. I suspect I have a coral eater in my tank. I know it's none of my fish. I have a pair of clowns, a yellow coris wrasse, and a bicolor blenny. My inverts are red legged hermits, one blue legged hermit, astrea, nassarius, trochus snails, and...
  7. sgkennedy

    Scientist searching for asterina starfish information and/or samples

    Hey All, This post is essentially a duplicate of my "new member" post using a different header to try and attract the attention of folks with asterina knowledge. My name is Scott and I joined reef2reef a few minutes ago. I've had a saltwater tank for 10 years and enjoy the hobby immensely. My...
  8. PirateGirl60

    Asterina, Harlequin and LPS and SPS debate

    So my husband and I are having a debate ...we have the blue dime sized hitchhiker asterina and currently the population is large. My husband believes the asterina will only attack zoas ...I believe they will attack sps , cloves, and even acros...We have read articles stating they are fine . We...
  9. Sipec

    Good or bad asterina?

    Is this a good asterina or bad one? Kinda funny, can't recall seeing a star with that few legs
  10. dtruitt

    Asterina Species ID

    Found this guy on an acro. Wondering if anyone can ID him as a reef safe or coral killing species. Harlequin shrimp will not get his weekly CC leg for a week or two after he finishes demolishing his sand sifter. I want to know if I can wait those two weeks, or if its time to go hunting for...
  11. Reefer37

    Asterina Star?

    So just spotted this guy this morning before lights came on. He started making his was back into the sand bed when lights started coming on. Can anyone ID if this is an asterina star?
  12. Dr RBG

    Feeding HARLEQUIN shrimp HELP

    I have a pair of harlequin shrimp which did a great job of eliminating a ton of asterina stars. I am looking for a way to feed them as I do not think they eat anything but stars. I would hate to lose them. I tried a leg of a chocolate chip star but the rest of it died. Can you buy asterina...
  13. choss

    Starfish - acro eater? Please ID

    I noticed recently that two frags of the exact same acropora were healthy one day, then completely white a few days later. I checked parameters and everything was stable. Al the other frags are fine. Then two days later another millepora in the same section of the frag tank experienced the same...
  14. AllSignsPointToFish

    Let the bodies hit the floor!

    While the debate is still out on whether these seemingly innocuous echinoderms are bad for a tank, I would say without a doubt that they multiply like rabbits. I've been pulling these out of my tank for months since I found more than one on my birdsnest corals. This count in this pileup is 128...
  15. ZoWhat

    Asterina Star Removal

    I wanted to break off a new topic from the other Asterina post. I have 100-200 whitish light grey Asterinas. Never seen them directly attack my zoas but have seen them eat zoas that were shrinking/dying. Nevertheless i want them gone. Ways to remove them? 1) Manually? I have a long 2ft...
  16. Mike N

    Is this an asterina?

    After 3 weeks in the tank, my live rock finally revealed a couple hitchhikers. They are starfish of some kind, look pretty close to asterina, but would like confirmation. I have spotted 2 so far, just wondering if I should go ahead and remove now. Sorry for picture quality
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