
  1. polyppal

    Experienced Reefkeepers - Help with article on 'Common mistakes new hobbyists make'

    I'm writing an article for my LRC on common mistakes that we often see people make in this hobby, and how they can be avoided. I thought id pick the minds of fellow experienced reefers here (since we see and respond to such posts daily here) Not interested in debates or crackpot theories on...
  2. dcom

    Man-made Great Barrier. Interesting article
  3. Tank Parameters Of Some Masters

    Tank Parameters Of Some Masters

    Tank Parameters Of Some Masters To this day one of the most frequently asked questions I get, and actually that many “old time hobbyists” get is “How do I get rid of the algae in my tank. My first question then is “what are the parameters of your tank’s water? Invariably the answer is my tank’s...
  4. The Past and Future of the Hobby

    The Past and Future of the Hobby

    The Past and Future of the Hobby At this time of year, we often look back on what has transpired in the past year both good and bad and think about it. For me, it was for the most part a good year in aquarium terms, as I wrote a fair amount, most of my tanks did well and I traveled more than I...