aquavitro fuel

  1. J

    Should I shut off my canister filter when feeding my coral?

    I’m a year into reefing and really want to know if it’s better to shut my whole canister filter completely off when feeding my corals. I just got this canister filter (CF500 UV MKII) for my 55 gallon reef tank, I’ve previously had two tidal 110’s on my tank and then recently transferred all the...
  2. ClownFish664

    AquaVitro Fuel and All-For-Reef

    Is it safe to use both AquaVitro Fuel and All-For-Reef? from what I can tell, both contain some of the same trace elements? is there a risk of overdose or buildup? I do weekyl water changes of about 15% ish
  3. T

    Best supplemental feeding products?

    I currently use 0.25ml of Julian sprungs marine snow once every two weeks and 1/8 of a 1/4 teaspoon of reef roids every week in my 15 gal, I’ve noticed many experienced reefers use phyto plankton specifically as this feeds zooplankton which in turn feed coral and copepods. Would I benefit from...
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