#aquascape help

  1. B

    Wich scape do you prefer A or B and do you have any suggestions?

    A or B?
  2. B

    What should I add to my new aquascape?

    Just finished this aquascape I really like it but was wondering if there’s any thing else I can add to utilize more of the space
  3. B

    Thoughts on my new aquascape?

    Any pointers / suggestions for my new scape?
  4. B

    Absolute best way to attach rocks together?

    Ok so I would like to know the best way to attach rocks together for aquascaping. I w just want to know if I should be using acrylic rods, super glue, cement, ect. If you have any suggestion please feel free to give them and also if you wouldn’t mind telling me the exact product you use (like if...
  5. B

    Help need with aquascape!

    So I have had my tank been pretty much a stack of boulders and I really would like to change that.bellow I have a few pictures, one is of my tank and the circled area is the area I would like to change out also below is some old dry rock that I have. I would love to make a tank that looks...
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