aquarium cycle

  1. M

    Yellow/White (stringy/gunk) Coating on Rock and Substrate - 1 Month Old Tank

    Hello! I will summarize at the end and provide photos if you don't want to read my initial tank journey from start to now, but here we go! I included the journey only because maybe there was a misstep I took that can explain things. Look for the colored markers if you want quick notes, and...
  2. TheWackyWiz

    Safely moving fish/rock/sand into new tank?

    Hi All, I decided to upgrade my set up and will be moving everything from my 20g breeder into a 20g AIO Peninsula tank when it arrives. I am hoping to get your advice on the best way to go about this transfer so I can hopefully avoid kicking off another cycle? Do you recommend supplementing...
  3. vivekshankarpmk

    Are they Diatoms

    Hi All, Its been 40 days since starting my cucling. Used traditional Shrimp method for ammonia source and used Aquaforest BIO S for bacteria colonizing , As on continous monitoring there are brown algae formed on the rocks and the glass . I am confused is this diatoms that come when the nitrate...
  4. MarineDepot

    How to Cycle a Saltwater Tank

    How to Cycle a Saltwater Tank Tips to Help You Succeed with Your New Aquarium
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