Hey guys! I'm looking to pick up an InTank media basket for an AC70 HOB. Can anyone help me? I can offer a prompt payment via PayPal if we can reach a deal. Please let me know what you have.
I was just searching everywhere for a list of how much water each AquaClear HOB filter unit actually holds within itself. Mainly for the purpose of calculating water volume.
AC10, AC20 etc all filters and up. This is quite a unique thread and anyone's input would be helpful. I was going to try...
Hey, guys. Just yesterday I replaced my Coralife 30 HOB filter and protein skimmer on my 20 gallon clownfish/soft coral/CuC tank with an Aquaclear 70 filter modded to be a sort of HOB refugium. Basically, I superglued bits of plastic grid into the back of the filter so that I could fit a basic...
I'm debating which HOB filter to buy. I was planning on turning them into DIY refugium with chaeto. I know the Aquaclear filters are super popular for the diy hob refugium but I seriously dislike that it doesn't self-prime. I have yet to see anySeachem tidal refugium diy which is why im...
Dimensions: 11.8" x 7.0" x 8.3"
Volume: 1.76G(overall) 2.5G(empty)
Lighting: 3 x 12" TrueLumen Pro Strips
Equipment: AquaClear 20
Heater: none yet (usually maintained at 78–80º F)
Circulation: Might add a small powerhead later on
Photoperiod: Planning on running it at full power for 8 hrs or...