aqua scape

  1. B

    Build Thread Fred’s 60 Breeder with 40b sump build

    Hello all!! I followed a few threads on this tank (sorry I don’t recall the OP) but I really liked it. So I decided to give it a try. This will be my first full build including the stand, sump and drilling the tank. Always looking for feed back and ideas so please share! I currently have...
  2. Reeferaddicts

    Build Thread Chris's 36 gallon bowfront reef tank

    Here is the start of my 36 gal reef tank just waiting on sand currently spent some time on rock work. I'm pretty happy with how aqua scape came out. I have an Island for an utter chaos Zoa, Several over hangs and loops and hiding places. 2x hob filters, 2x red sea reef led 50, 2x Jeboa sw-4 wave...
  3. Aquaristexhibit

    Do I need to have actual “caves” or are hiding spots in an NSA Scape sufficient ?

    Hey Do I need to make real caves for the fish, or will this be sufficient i plan On keeping : Tang (purple or gem) Clowns Jawfish Fairy wrasse Royal gramma (maybe) goby The tank is a 75g (40” x 20” x 22”) thanks,
  4. Erikhsf

    Need help with rock

    So I am starting a new tank and have got some rock from a friend tearing down a tank and I bought some of the dry "live rock" from this place in Florida. And I have some that has been sitting in my backyard for a year. Can all of this go into a new tank to cycle together or should I not put some...
  5. G

    Anyone real reef fancy branch?

    Hey guys, I am going to start a reef tank soon. I want to buy the real reef fancy branch because I like the look of the tonga branch but I was wondering if any of you have purchased the real reef tonga branch or something similar. I'm not sure on how much to order and videos i've seen weren't...
  6. mrbryan809

    Live Rock/Rock

    Just out of curiosity, has everyone really purchased rock at $7-9 a pound or is there a work around. I have a 90 Gallon and about 40 pound of live rock iv been told 1 pound per gallon but dang at $7 a pound its really killing my wallet. Basically does anyone have a cheaper alternative
  7. Seth Francis

    Build Thread Tank Update

    I recently picked up a Coral Beauty Angel and currently have it in QT. With that being said, and after a conversation with a local guy; I decided to rescape my tank to create more fluid swim space for him and to create more space for higher light corals. I went from a shelf like scape to a twin...
  8. Tryndle

    New to Aquascaping

    hello again! I’ve set up my tank finally and I have two clowns and a fire shrimp with a snail and a crab. So far I love my tank except for the fact that I kind of rushed in to it. I’m getting really bored of my current rock setup because I literally just placed a big dry rock in the middle and...
Atlantik Icon  reef aquarium LED Bar