aqua forest

  1. Sidsreef

    Switching to Aquaforest? SPS Dominated tank

    Hello all, I have been doing some research over some of the products that I'm using. i currently dose all for reef but I'm thinking about going with AF. main reason is to keep all the same brand. aqua forest seems like they got a little bit of everything. anyhow anyone has had any luck with...
  2. Sidsreef

    Need Product help regarding coral nutrition

    Hello, I have been in the hobby since 2015 and have had several tanks and now have a 1-month-old reef tank. I used to always use reef roids and I still like reef roids as coral food. Recently I have been looking for products for coral nutrition. i have been looking at an aqua forest nutrition...
  3. Brocksreef117

    Diluting AF aquaforest products

    I’ve just picked up AF vitality, amino mix, and energy I have a 10 gallon tank and I can’t dose 1/4 a drop per the instructions could I dilute the product in aquarium water and pour it back into my sump (I’ve already heard you can’t with RODI water I was just wondering )