
  1. M

    Indiana Live Goods berghia nudibranches

    YES I have read the terms and agree to them Yes I have read the terms and agreements for selling. I am trying to find homes for Berghia nudibranches. I have several i got out of my tank, and now have the adults and babies! I am out of aiptasia and I should have prepared for this sooner! I...
  2. Foggy Pirate

    Could this be aptasia?

    Hello, this is a 13 gallon 2.5 year old tank… only pest I have that I know of are bristle worms however I just noticed this attached to the plug of a bird nest coral. Would this be aptasia? And if so how do you recommend I take care of it, the coral isent doing so well so maybe take the whole...
  3. S

    Critter bloom!!

    Right, il admit I have let my tank get a little wild lately as I have been working so much and not had time to clean glass etc but have been feeding and changing water but I have cleaned the glass today and the tank has exploded with new critters/pest/corals! Can you guys help me I.D some of...
  4. adamlodge14

    Aptasia removal

    Hiya guys, I have had a 15 gallon marine tank up and running for 3 months now. Yesterday I saw a tiny wee aptasia anemone on the frag disk which my leather Coral is on. I instantly took it out and dipped the coral and disk in a coral dip solution (aqua forest protect dip) and tried to remove as...
  5. starfire2116

    mini Aptasia ? they are showing up everywhere

    They are very small, 3 millimeters i would guess. They are white and skinny but they look like aptaisa, I have never seen them this small though. Also i can even see them sway in the currant. You have to have a flipper Magnifying veiwer, or a Magnifying glass. And now its been 2 months and...
  6. jgvergo

    How many Peppermint shrimps should I get?

    I have an 85 gal DT and I have a growing aptasia problem. I'd say I have between 25 and 50 visible Aptasia at the moment. I have decided on using Peppermint Shrimp to manage the Aptasia. I know that Peppermint Shrimp are "hit or miss" when it comes to dealing with Aptasia so I want to get more...
  7. TrevorHorn19

    EMERGENCY Nudibranches, who’s got em?

    Everywhere I’m looking is sold out. Anyone know how to get ahold of some?
  8. H

    Aptasia or not

    Noticed these on the base of my coral frag, just wondering if it’s aptasia? If so will the lemon juice method kill them and leave the GSP coral unaffected ?
  9. Squeven

    Aiptasia or something else?

    Hello everyone, I saw this on a small piece of live rock, and I think it’s Aptaisia. I’m new to saltwater, and was wondering if I can just remove the rock and put another in its place. This has me worried because I heard they can be bad for coral, and I was preparing to get my first coral...
  10. M

    Friend or foe

    A couple of months ago I noticed what I though was a zoa polyp from a previous zoa growing on my rock work. There was a green circle that glowed under blue light like the zoas used to so I was quite happy to have it growing back. I thought nothing of it but to my surprise, a few more of the...
  11. plankton


    Woke up this morning to see my nano tank walls covered in what looks like baby aptasia. Not one or two but at least 20. Does the pic look like baby aptasia and if so what is the best way to treat the tank or predator for nano to keep them at bay?
  12. Yoosuf

    Is there a way to do collectral killing off aptesia?

    Hello and Happy new year Reefers. I am having a really painful issue which is aptesia is poping here and there everyday even after i suck them using a turkybaster. is there anyway to wipe out all without doing individual picking?
  13. MnFish1

    Anecdote vs. reality

    So I was sitting here thinking about some 'maxims' - that are promulgated here often - and wondered - whether they make sense. Note - I'm not criticizing or discounting anecdote - that said - I wonder about some common sayings in the reefing community (which are usually supported by anecdote -...