apex dos

  1. S

    Using APEX DOS system as continuous feeding system 24hrs

    Hi there, I'm currently having some clogging problems with one of my feed vessels (I'm experimenting using different feed stocks) so I'm trying to feed my tank every minute 24/7. I have been able to program my APEX pump to feed every minute using the Feed system, however I can't appear to find...
  2. reef fish

    Florida Dosing Drygoods Neptune Apex dos

    Neptune Apex dos $275 shipped
  3. johntdaballa

    Texas Aquariums Lighting Dosing Redsea Nano Max (white) skimmer & light + misc.

    I am upgrading to redsea 250 breaking redsea nano max down . Need to declutter a bit with a few others. I have hoarded over the years :downcast-face-with-sweat: No shipping pick up in Katy, TX Livestock and corals not for sale Sale: Red sea nano max ( tank & stand) white $650 RS skimmer (...
  4. wonderphil-reef

    Automatic water changer setup

    Hi guys, Wanted some advice about setting up my new Apex Dos as an automatic water changer. My system is about 500lt (110G I think). I was doing 100-125lt change a month. I was thinking of splitting that 125lt change over 30 days so doing 4lt a day with this system. Is this how others would...
  5. reef fish

    Florida Dosing Drygoods Neptune apex dos

    Neptune apex dos Only had it for like a month or two, and decided to go with the calcium reactor 290 shipped
  6. nellyore24

    Florida WTB Neptune items for sale and Red Sea reef 90 lights

    -Neptune gro refugium light 6 months used -Atk v2 auto top off 2 1/2 months used -Neptune Dos (3) -Neptune Ddr (2) -Neptune energy bar eb832 (one month used) -Red Sea reef 90 led lights with arm mount (2) -AI prime 16HD light -Neptune auto feeder DOS $250 each (3 total) DDR $150 each (two...
  7. J

    Used Dos?

    Anyone have a used Neptune dos before I buy a new one?
  8. H

    Apex DOS to Non-Apex Dosing Container

    I am about to pull the trigger on a DOS pump for my Apex set-up after watching the latest BRS video on Kalkwasser, Dosing being a very effective method for administration. However, I noticed that the DOS connects using 3.33 mm Diameter tubing, but most containers connect to 1.67 mm (according...
  9. H

    Which Doser has the right head pressure?

    Hello Everyone I am new to this forum and converting from Freshwater to Reef aquarium. I'm excited in my new journey but do understand that I have to make a solid decision on the way I approach the setup of this tank. So I have hard decisions in a short time. So i'm trying to help create a...
Ultimate Corals