apex alarms

  1. B

    Apex - Different Timing for Notifications

    Hello All! New to the community, and have been using an APEX on my Waterbox 130.4 for a year now. I decided to come out of the woodwork to ask a question regarding the Apex. Had asked the same on Neptune Systems forum with no response. Out of desire to limit nuisance push notifications I have...
  2. ariellemermaid

    Apex Alarm Problems

    I’m hoping someone can help with some ghost alarms. Occasionally in the past I’ve had Alk/Ca/Mg alarms go off when the values are clearly set differently from what the alarm says. I’ve mostly been able to fix that by changing the alarm values then changing them back. However, all of a sudden...
  3. CaptainCooke

    Apex not sending alarms! Please help me figure this out!

    Hello all, Today I noticed my apex wasn’t sending me alarm updates when it absolutely should have. Thankfully there was no issue. I was doing a water change and the probes were out of the water. When the probes came out of the water I should have received an alarm on salinity, ph, and temp...
  4. Ferrell

    Apex saved my tank...

    First, I Would love to # Terrance and crew to thank them but can’t find them I know we’ve all have gotten alarms on our tanks for something going wrong but this has no alarm, at least none that I have. Jumping right in, I generally test my Alk about every 2-3 days unless I’ve mixed new...
  5. Neptune Apex Programming Tutorials, Part 6: Alarms

    Neptune Apex Programming Tutorials, Part 6: Alarms

    This article is Part 6 of a series. Here is a quick Table of Contents for all the articles: Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Timers Part 3 Automatic Top-Off Kit (ATK) Part 4 Power Monitoring Part 5 Virtual Outputs Part 6 Alarms Part 7 Feed Cycles Part 8 Lunar Schedule and Lighting Profiles...