anthias fish

  1. strawberry_reef

    Looking for Unique Fish for My 180

    Hey everyone! As the post says, I’m looking for a couple unique fish to finish off my stock list for my 180 gallon Planet Aquarium. Total volume is around 235 gallons. I understand some people may think I already have “alot” but honestly…my NSA rockwork, oversized skimmer, filtration, UV, etc...
  2. strawberry_reef

    “Bucket List” Fish ACQUIRED!

    Been in the hobby for nearly 15 years, and I have always wanted a borbonius anthias. The price and timing was never right. Went to my local LFS about 4 weeks ago and they told me they were getting one in, and said they would be doing a 4 week QT and monitoring. Today, he was ready for...
  3. L

    Can I add anthias to my existing anthias group?

    I just ordered a few anthias and was wondering if they can mix with my Bartlett anthias that I already have.
  4. L

    quarantine tank question

    Is 11 gallons big enough for a quarantine tank? And how could i quarantine Anthias?
  5. L

    Question about drip-acclimation

    I ordered 5 Anthias and 3 dragon pipefish from LiveAquaria. Can I drip acclimate all of them in the same bucket or do i need to separate them?
  6. A

    lyretail antias will not eat and does nothing but lay on sand or swim at the very top corner of my tank

    my lyretail antias is refusing food and wont do anything but lay on sand or swim in a stationary position behind the return pump in my tank, she has been here for two days now we dripped for 1 1/2 hours salinity is 1.025 and tank mates are as follows two baby cinnamon clowns about a inch long...
  7. NaCl H2O

    California Live Goods Sunburst Anthias - For Sale - California - Pick Up Only - SOLD

    SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD Moving out of state and do not want to stress fish out with a travel. I live in Temecula, Ca. This is for pick up only. The fish is about 1-1.25” I've had it for bout 4 months now. Very cool looking fish. Eats great. Lil shy guy tho.
  8. Freakmachine01

    Jumping Fish

    Has anyone ever had a queen anthias fish jumped out of their tank? Right after my weekly weekend water change as I was doing tonight I was cleaning up, looked over at the floor and my fish was on the floor. It's skin was dry so it must have been out of my tank for a couple hours. So I'm just...
  9. JosephNg

    IDs and reef compatibility with corals and inverts

    Hi folks, can you please name these two circled anthias? Are they reef safe as well? Because one of the local members sent us a video of the lighter colored one picked up on softies but I heard anthias were supposed to be reef safe and beginner-friendly. Cheers!
  10. Southern Fishing Co.


    I have a 125gal mixed reef tank. Current fish are- 2 clowns, 1 damsel, 1 wrasse, 1 lawnmower blenny, 5 blue/green chromis, 1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang and 1 tonimi tang I'm wanting to add some starburst Anthias and I'm trying to figure out how many I should get. I was thinking just 1 or 2...
  11. H

    3 vs 5 Anthias?

    Does it matter? I heard they do better in groups of 5 than in trios.
  12. esther

    Show me your Borbonius Anthias!

    You guys.... I’m so excited. We just added 3 Borbs to our tank yesterday and they’re just the most beautiful fish. Here’s a photo of one that I got this morning. :)
  13. Niels Verstappen

    Uronema or bactetial

    I recently lost all my fish to I believe was brooklynella but I came across this picture the other day from bassleer that shows a strong resemblance to anthias I really hope it's not uronema my female was the only one with the red mark, I have to note that my midas blenny did bully my anthias...
  14. potatocouch

    Anthias order of addition

    Folks, my plan is to add 3 kind of Anthias in a 2 ft tank; i'm thinking in order of introduction, should they be added in the following sequential order: PICTILIS ANTHIAS RANDALL ANTHIAS BICOLOUR ANTHIAS Thinking Bicolour Anthias as the last add because from LiveAquaria, they seem to be the...
  15. BigKid4788

    Anthias compatibility

    I have a harem of lyre tail anthias and want to add a different type of anthias. Which species would get along with the lyre tail? I'm looking for anthias that are not orange (purple queen, ventralis). Anyone with experience keeping multiple species I would appreciate the input. I have a 280...
  16. AnakinReefWalker

    Anthias ID Required

    Hi all, I bought this Anthias from the LFS, I'd like to know what kind of Anthias it is, I fed the tank last night and it is eating well. Thanks
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