
  1. introvert.invert_hba

    how much (animals) is too much in 6g nano

    Hi! I have a 6g corner tank. I’m looking to make the ecosystem full circle. How much is too much for my tiny tank? I currently have a cleaner shrimp, Mexican turbo snail, red honey damsel and 3 Astrinia starfish. I haven’t seen the little starfish since I added them into the tank. The snail...
  2. shakacuz

    show me your non-reef pets!

    i see a few threads in this sub-forum speaking of other pets you may have/tend to. could we perhaps condense it all into one thread?! i came about to reefing this year, starting my tank at the end of february. but it wasn't until the year prior (2019) where i began my extensive research on how...
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