
  1. A

    Anglefish aggression

    I have a cherub angelfish and I’m going to add a biota captive bred regal angelfish to the tank (125 gallon) and I’m worried one will kill the other I have a Acclamation box and I will keep it the regal in there for a week or two is there anything else to help I know a mirror might help.
  2. Reef0holic

    Stocking ideas

    I have a 425 litre Red Sea reefer G2 and was going to make it a FOWLR setup, I am open to suggestions, I would like; Coral beauty angel Fuzzy Dwarf lionfish Red stripe angel Lemonpeal angel You suggest filler fish and other cool fish
  3. Reef0holic

    425litre fish only system stocking

    I've just bought a new red sea reefer 425 G2, and want to make it a fish-only system, I'd greatly appreciate ideas on stocking and recommendations. I would like; -a few dwarf angels - a dwarf lionfish -some kind of tang - and some fillers thank you-Reef0holic
  4. CRath

    Dumb question, but Valentini Puffer with Sexy Shrimp

    I recently lost my lawnmower blenny and moved my pair of Ocellaris clowns to a new setup. I want to add a new fish to my 30 gallon tank and came across someone saying that the Valentini puffer would be okay around the coral in my tank. I just moved all the hammers to the new setup as well and...
  5. M

    Tiger angelfish not eating frozen. Help!

    I recently got a tiger angelfish in my tank and he looks really healthy and is active but he is not eating any of the food I put in the tank. I have it in a 120 with a gem tang and a really small clownfish. They are the only fish in the take and the angelfish already seems to have taken over the...
Tenecor Aquariums