anenome help

  1. F

    Anemone accident

    Hi, I moved a rock from a group of rocks today during my water change that I didn’t realise had a few BTAs on them. Long story short after the water change I found one of my anemones floating around almost torn in half. The anemone must have had his foot on the rock I moved and spread it to the...
  2. Pass12345

    EMERGENCY What is wrong with my RBA

    What is wrong with my anemone? I added to tank months ago and he was in a spot he really liked. Didn’t move since I added it. Recently he moved and won’t open up, what is wrong and what should I do?
  3. Jharris032

    Anenome stays deflated HELLLPPPPP

    Just curious if anyone can give me an idea as to why my anenome is shriveled up. I have a mixed reef RS350 with two LED 90, reef octopus skimmer, reef mat 500, 25w UV filter, stocked refugium with a refugium led that runs opposite my display leds, 4 doser that I dose all the foundation elements...
  4. B

    Anemones dark in colour doesn’t look right

    Hi guys I’m a little stuck, and not sure what to do. My perms are all good my corals are all thriving but I have an issue with my anemones?? Just the nems which is weird no change to lighting either and they have been in the tank for about 4 months My BTA anemones seem to have gone a dark...
  5. C

    EMERGENCY Bubble tip nem under rock

    Hello, When I woke up this morning the anemone was now under the rock and looks a bit strange. First glance I thought it was dead or dying but it is still secured to the rock. Last night I checked on the tank and the anemone was in its normal place opened with my clowns in it and at 9am this...
  6. Richdant23

    Anemone hitch hiking on snails back

    I have a rainbow bubble tip anemone that has decided that his favorite spot is on the back of a snail. Do you guys think I should try to get him off the snails back? Or just let him be.
  7. N

    What Anemone do I Have?

    Hi Guys! So less than a year ago I bought an anenome and it was a little discolored and super small (pictured). Fast forward to today and has all of his color and has grown to over 12 inches! (Picture 2) Excuse the algae, I'm in the middle of making a reactor. Should finish it soon. If the...
  8. RedSea50Gang

    Anemone light settings?

    Can anyone help me out with what anemones prefer as far as light settings? I’m running a Redsea50 led light on a 13.5 fluval aquarium, and have current settings at 18k 60%blues 20%whites.... just had my water tested all parameters are fine, salinity currently at 1.025... and he is just not happy...
  9. RedSea50Gang

    Fluval 13.5G Redsea50

    I have the fluval 13.5G and recently(2weeks ago) switched from stock lighting to the new RedSea50 Led light. I have a mix of soft corals, fish, shrimp, snails and a rainbow bubble anemone that has lost all his rainbow and not been Bubbled fully since I got him several months ago. Any light...
  10. k2-

    Carpet Anemone melted away

    Need help with this. I have a 6-month-old tank. it has never happened and other corals are doing fine, I added a carpet anenome just 3 days back and today I found it melted away. Not to mention another one of my anenome is also gone with the wind (shrunk and disappeared). PH - 7.8 15% Waster...
  11. kkircher

    Mini-Maxi burying himself

    I have a new mini maxi anemone and he started out on a rock, but moved to the sand bed. I know they like to bury their foot in sand, but mine is a deeper bed. I noticed he has sand in him so I lightly blew it off. Next day he had it agai so I though maybe it was to deep for him so I cleared...
  12. N

    Anenome dying?

    Hello! I got this anemone maybe 2 weeks ago and drip acclimated it to my tank. It was looking good until maybe a few days ago after a water change and it fell off earlier today and now looks like it appears to be dying maybe even already dead? High Range Ph: 8 Ammonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate: 0...
  13. B

    Shredded Anenome help

    So i have a nem looks shredded. I don't have powerheads in my tank. It was doing fine and i came home today and it is shredded. The foot is holding on very good. It's on the rock right next to my RRB nem and my RTB is super open and bubbled up. What can be the problem with my nem.? Any...
  14. Titans831

    Lighting help, and reef advice needed!

    Good afternoon everybuddy! So I’ve had my tank up and running for three months now. First month I had no idea (still really don’t ) what I was doing but I’ve been slowly figuring it out! Just wanted somone to check my time cycle and tell me or give me any tips on how to better optimize my...
  15. A

    What are these?

    I’m trying to identify this “thing”. I noticed it about a week ago and idk if it is a baby anemone or what. It could have been on this rock all along since we have bought it and we are just now are noticing. We currently have 2 anemones in our tank
  16. myMOMfishtank

    Clownfish Moved his Anenome

    **I dont know alot about salt water tanks or fish. I just help my mother who just started a saltwater tank get answers for stuff her fish do that worry her** So my moms tank has been doing well for a while. The only recent change is that she changed the main direction of the pump that creates...
  17. myMOMfishtank

    Sick/Dying Anenome??

    My moms new to saltwater tanks and buys long tent anenomes which start strong and fine but then go off color, get small, and die! This one paired with a clown so she really wants it to make it and Im trying my best to help her find answers before it goes. Info: The water tests in all the...
  18. Ryan Rioux

    Anenome help and questions !

    Hellllo ! I’m wondering what would cause an anenome to not open fully . I have a rbta and the past few days it’s been weird . Not opening as much , closing earlier before the lights are out . The picture I’m going to attatch is him when he first got into tank and chose his spot . (Spot with...