anemone splitting

  1. LauraR

    Bubble tip upside down in sand

    My bubble tip split today and one half is adhered to the rock and looking pretty okay but the other one is tentacle-down in the sand (see pic). Is this within the range of normal post-split behavior or is it dead/dying?
  2. Nemjamin

    Anemone splitting

    So I have this anemone tank and there's one of the nems that's just humongous compared to the rest, I'll include a photo. Do you think all these little nems are splitting off of the largest one? I also have a bunch of medium sized ones in there too. This one's got to be like 12 inch's across and...
  3. bReefedBaker

    BW BTA (1st split) —- Both are looking good!

    The other day I’d have to say it started about a week or so ago, I noticed my BTA stretching between two parts on the live rock. I began to think about a poss. split, but payed no mind. About two days ago (8/5) I see the ‘nems mouth all the way to one side. I then really began to ponder, “I...
  4. walloutlet

    Anemone Splitting?

    Happy Friday everyone.... Hoping to get some more experienced opinions here. As I often do during the day, take a 10 minute break to watch my tank. Noticed my anemone starting to what looks like a second mouth, or perhaps just the way it is wedged in the rock at the moment. Thought I'd take...
  5. Valum

    EMERGENCY Is my nem ok? Looks like it's splitting

    Hi all just wanted some advise/re assurance my nem was healthy last night but this morning I woke up two a huge hole in the middle and it's still like this 4 hours later anyone have any opinion If it is splitting how long does this take and do I need to do anything?