anemone removal

  1. W

    Transferring Rock with Dinos question

    Hi all, I recently set up a new 30 gallon reef tank and am trying to figure out what to do. For some background, I have a 13.5 which I bought a rock that had 3 awesome nems on and placed it in my tank knowing the previous owner had dinos. This sparked the dinos in my 13.5 which I have recently...
  2. JustAnt

    To catch an anemone...

    My RBTA split about a year ago. I don’t want a 2nd anemone. She’s been stinging my corals and is taking up a lot of space I can use for new coral. LFS recommended pointing a power head at it in hopes it would move to the glass and I could get her then. That hasn’t worked. Have had a mj1200...
Geo's Reef