anemone problems

  1. Vansaquaescape

    Anemone Tentacle loss

    This was my anemone with in the last week it has started losing tentacles and not looking good. All the Parameters Are in range some a little very little below don’t know what to do. Eats and then spits waste out and won’t look good. I have had him under Ai hydra 26s for almost a month and a...
  2. InCodWeTrust

    Weird Anemone Home

    My month year old green bubble tip has moved out of his old rock and moved under my coral one algae walk and stayed there for about a week. I’m worried he isn’t getting enough light or flow. I’m probably paranoid but should I worry about it? My anemone in the picture just woke up if you are...
  3. Brad_the_gunner

    Not sure what’s happening to my anemone

    Hey Brad here, As of yesterday my green bubble tip looks really contracted and isn’t showing off his beautiful bubble tips as much. He has some of the Tentacles out and he reacts and eats mini mysis. Should I be concerned? What’s the best course of action? (Pics of him will be below)
  4. D. Torres

    Why is my anemone doing this?

    I have two red BTAs. I've had them both for about 6 months. They both used to open up "normally" I guess you could say, but one has been doing this for about a month(see first picture ). Notice one looks like it opens "normal" and the other looks bloated? I don't know how else to describe it...
  5. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  6. D. Torres

    2 of 4 anemones bleached. Why?

    Here is the short version. I have 4 anemones in my tank. 2 are doing really good and the other 2 seem to be bleaching out. Why? Long version (if you're still interested in helping me): I have 4 anemones. Two are rose bubble tips and they have been doing great for a few months now. The two other...
  7. rockstarta78

    Anemone split and now won't open up

    I made a HUGE mistake. I am kicking myself for this. I hope this doesn't comeback to bite me. I have had this tank running for almost 2 years. Back in January I got this beautiful RBTA from a local reefer. Lately due to work and life I have neglected this tank more then I am willing to admit...
  8. D. Torres

    Is my nem dead/dying?

    I've had these BTAs and they were all doing fine and today the dark green one detached from its rock and has it's tentacles retracted? Is it dying or on the move? It was next to this rose one doing just fine. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  9. Dan13

    RBTA Problems

    Hey Guys, I recently developed a bad case of dinoflagellates which had decided to take over my tank. Covered my sand, rocks, and unreachable parts of my glass, and no matter how much I scrubbed the rocks with a toothbrush, cleaned the glass, or vacuumed the sand, within hours it would all be...
Reef Kinetics