anemone moving

  1. Cantusaurus

    BTA Anemone Questions

    Hi, so I purchased a bubble tip anemone about 1 and a half weeks ago. I got it when I was in Houston, and brought it home to LA. I have a Fluval 32.5 that is just recently a year old, and I put an additional light on it (the Fluval reef/marine). And I’m still slowly increasing the light...
  2. nanonøkk

    so my anemone moved

    ok so my anemone moved very far across the tank now under a rock shelf kinda place but the thing is he isn’t fully opened should i be worried or dose it know what’s best for itself i’ll also post a few pictures of it
  3. Hell's fire anemone

    Hell's fire anemone

  4. Evan28395950

    Anemone moving towards lps

    Hey all, so my anemone has been moving quite a lot lately, now it’s getting close to my hammer. Should I move the hammer to somewhere else?
Geo's Reef