anemone help

  1. Rose Garden Reef 96

    Help! My Anemone got stuck and tore in half

    Help! I was on my way out to work this morning and I found my anemone stuck on the intake hole (I have a Fluval 13.5, it was stuck is that little hole that leads to the back filter chambers) I tried to pull it out and it ripped in half. I am horrified and so upset, is there anyway to save it...
  2. TheFruitGoon

    Nem Identification

    Can anyone help me ID this nem? I was told it was a ritteri but it doesn’t seem to have characteristics for the species. I thought ritteri anemone were the type to find the highest point in the tank with good flow but this guy tends to stay inside a cave with lower flow. I’ve only had him for...
  3. 2

    Anemone vs powerhead. Please help!

    Hi all! I have a Nuvo 30L, with 2 AI Prime 16hd, stock pump, 2 RFG returns, Nero 2 on one side, Eflux 660gph on the other side. Tank has a few random frags, 2 clowns and a royal gramma. I also have/had a green BTA. I recently pulled my rock and re-scaped, causing my BTA to walk a bit. It was...
  4. N

    Will this anemone be okay?

  5. Cantusaurus

    Rock Flower Anemone REAPPEARS after MONTHS!!

    So I had a tiny rock flower anemone, and it did well in my 2 to 3 month old tank, and it grew quickly and found a spot. I started adjusting the flow in the tank to better help the other corals needs, and it moved a bit, but then started moving a lot, and then it sort of disappeared into the rock...
  6. boo2004

    Bleached anemone

    Hi everyone I’m new to this group. I hope I’m posting in the right place. I have gotten my first anemone ever. He’s a long tentacle. He’s been in my tank about a month. He’s moved one time the day I got him and has stayed put ever since. He eats well just about anything I give to him. My clowns...
  7. wolt

    Bleached bta can’t decide what type of bta it is

    What bta is this??
  8. R

    What kind of Anemone is this?

    I was wondering what kind of Anemone this is? Thanks in advance for the answers.
  9. Reefing_addiction

    Anemone ID

    Wondering if someone can identify.
  10. esther

    What's the bubble on my anemone?

    So, our anemone has had this for a couple of days now (top left... whitish bubble). Other than this bubble, it's healthy. Eating, coloration is good, tentacle extension good, etc. Any thoughts on what it is? Should I even worry?
  11. TheFishTickler

    Flower Anemone with 2 mouths

    I just bought my first anemone and lo and behold they sent me 3! One is small, the second looks like it has two heads and mouths, and the third is big. On the second I noticed the foot is lumpy and really small at the base. I was wondering if this was some kind of deformity or type of anemone...
  12. M

    What type of anemones are these?

    Hi i recently bought 2 anemones from Petco and both were sold to me as Long Tentacle Anemones but after searching for a couple of hours on google i'm starting to think that they might not be LTA after all but maybe condys? These first 3 pictures is the 1st anemone These last 3 pictures is...
  13. mrbryan809

    Help Not sure if hes dying

    Picked him up from a friend that no longer in the hobby a week ago. hes been doing great but the past few days hes been shriveling up randomly and my father in law just sent me the pic below. Is this normal or can i do something to help him. The only thing i did different was give it a single...
  14. Vansaquaescape

    Anemone Tentacle loss

    This was my anemone with in the last week it has started losing tentacles and not looking good. All the Parameters Are in range some a little very little below don’t know what to do. Eats and then spits waste out and won’t look good. I have had him under Ai hydra 26s for almost a month and a...