anemone health

  1. TroyfromKy

    I don't know why I cannot get anemones to live in my tank, help?

    I need some real help here. I have a red sea 125 g tank, that has been cycled for almost two years now. I added a sea anemone three months ago, over three months, I added 4 in total. I am down to two only. One of the two is acting ill and I don't understand what I am doing wrong. My water...
  2. E

    Need help from a BTA expert

    long story short. I was gifted this beautiful BTA when my tank was only a month old (his name is Rubble.) It somehow managed to survive every cycle crash, salinity swings, nitrates sky high, being hand fed HUGE pieces of Krill shrimp 3x a day… The works. We are about 5 months into our journey...
  3. ridgeburyreefer

    Rock anemone health

    I purchased this rock anemone today from petco ONLY bc it wasn’t even out of the bag yet from being shipped. It had better coloring at the store but I wasn’t able to see the mouth. The foot was VERY sticky when it went in the tank, and is still clearly firmly planted. Is the mouth of for being...
  4. C

    BTA Heath Issues?

    Hi all! So I have a 55 gal tank Ammonia 0 Nitrates 0 Nitrites 0 pH has been around 8.1 using marine buffer to bump it up to 8.3 Alkalinity I was told was a tad low as well earlier this week but I don’t have an at home test - the buffer is also supposed to be helping this Tank is fully cycled, I...
  5. sultwaterchick

    Help, what is attacking my anemones!

    Okay. I’m stumped. I have a 10 gallon set up with two anemones in it. my set up includes two over the back filters (with rubble) heater, protein skimmer, and kessila120 ocean blue light. My anemones have been doing great, but a few weeks back. I noticed something on the bottom of my aquarium...
  6. R

    What kind of Anemone is this?

    I was wondering what kind of Anemone this is? Thanks in advance for the answers.
  7. BighohoReef

    The Anemone at the gate (Finally getting a NEM!!) Share your nem homes

    Well it’s finally happened the wife cracked and we’re finally getting a rainbow nem!!! First I would love to get some ideas for nem placement. Post a pic of how you house them In your tank! Bonus for a brief on your thoughts behind it. Second I need some advice in my current plan: As with...
  8. JRADD87

    Bubble tip anemone Help

    Was hoping I could get some help and direction. Brought this smaller green bubble tip home the other day and it has not seemed to be doing well. It has a good foothold on the rock but has not moved from where I placed it originally. It deflated and seemed to expel some waste yesterday. Towards...
  9. E

    Is this Anemone Healthy?

    Rock Flower Anemone, wondering if he looks healthy. he was put in tank about 10 days ago, but 2 days ago moved a few inches. He looks good to me but what do I know? (Nothing!). Would like to hear from others what they think via this picture;
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