anemone care

  1. T

    Mxing HIGH end Bta's

    I am looking for information on mixing high dollar bubble tip anemones. I already know it can be risky and people don't recommend it. I want to hear people who have actually tried though. I want to hear your success failure and everything in between. Please enlighten us on what you have done...
  2. V

    EMERGENCY Carpet Anemone showing flesh at the edges

    Hi My carpet nem has some if it's edges kinda chipped or that's what it looks like. Flesh showing as seen in the picture. The pumps are protected with nem guards. So it could not be that. The water params are good. It's in a 75g tank currently. What could be wrong? Two clowns are hosting and...
  3. Rose Garden Reef 96

    Help! My Anemone got stuck and tore in half

    Help! I was on my way out to work this morning and I found my anemone stuck on the intake hole (I have a Fluval 13.5, it was stuck is that little hole that leads to the back filter chambers) I tried to pull it out and it ripped in half. I am horrified and so upset, is there anyway to save it...
  4. Mattc123

    BTA help possibly dying

    Hey all. I received a BTA thru overnight shipping on 04/21 and promptly acclimated it and put it in my 90 gallon tank. He went under a rock pretty quickly and was there all day yesterday. I moved the rock to check on it and possibly feed it shrimp a few hours ago and this is what I saw. Is it...
  5. C

    Annoying Clownfish

    Is the such a thing as an anemone being irritated by a clown? This gal literally perches in the anemone all day. She will only swim out when I feed. When i first got the anemone I could not see its mouth, the tentacles were very thick. Now the anemone's mouth is always visible. It's tight and...
  6. F

    BTA sick? Or dead?

    Last night added a BTA, he was vibrant and spread out and looked happy. I spot fed him and now this morning the water is cloudy and he has split into 3 pieces. One looks like a white ball of nothing. 2 clowns Fluval 307 filter Fluval marine 3.0 light Power head Parameters are-tank is about a...
  7. P

    New Anemone Care

    My son gave me a beautiful anemone and clownfish duo yesterday as a Christmas gift. They are both doing well and the new clown fish has become fast friends with my existing clown. The anemone has taken up residence in a rock cave and seems to be happy there, even though the light isn't...
  8. stephanjupillat

    Keeping different BTA anemones in the same tank? What have we learned so far?

    So I’ve read dozens of threads on keeping fancy BTA anemones with other basic BTA. Like Colorado not doing well with any BTA, Chicago being ok with rainbow BTA’s, etc… Some making it work. Others not so much. I just wanted to give my 2cents on this as I did a quick experiment with surprising...
  9. marisp127

    Anemone Acting Weird

    I have had this bubble tip anemone for over 1.5 years, and it has done excellent, showing lots of growth in that time. The last few days, though, it has been struggling, going through inflation and deflation cycles 2-3 times a day. The times that it is inflated, it isn't fully extended, though...
  10. gatorcream

    BTA might have hurt itself splitting? Advice wanted :)

    So I have a bubble tip anemone that split today. My parameters are all good, salinity has been consistent and stable, tank is mature and lots of coralline algae growing, no issues in the tank ever since I got it (a little over a month ago) it’s been very colorful, full of air, very big and...
  11. D

    Green BTA help needed

    Hey guys I just got a BTA (green with purple foot) and today is the first day with it and it has this purple looking slime coming off of it, is this normal or does this mean the nem threw up its guts and its on the way out?? Thanks, any input is appreciated
  12. N

    Anemone question

    Hey guys! I have an anemone that I thought was dying he was under rock work for 2 days and didnt pop out. I decided to take him out but he looked 100% fine when i removed him So i placed him in another spot and he's been moving. He's in a hilarious spot but I'm worred because he is under some...
  13. L

    My anemone is not attaching to any rock. is it dying?

    My anemone isn’t attaching to anything since i put it in my tank. ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are at zero and salinity is at 1.024. I have corals in here doing fine just wondering what is up with the anemone.
  14. BonelessEvil

    anemone tentacles/ID

    I'm not really sure why the "balloons" (#1 image) show up in a couple of my anemones, but in the much larger versions (2# image), the tentacles look very stringy, spaghetti like. Also, could someone ID what type of anemones these are?
  15. Why so serious

    EMERGENCY Anemone problem

    My anemone is acting weird please let me know what I can do to save them also my bicolor blend was acting weird and it died this morning
  16. shocker8786

    Anemone constricted?

    Hey everyone, Happy Holidays! I recently isolated my anemone from my clown because he was getting beaten up. He seems to be doing better now that he’s been separated, hoping he’ll grow large enough to handle my clown at some point. Anyways, he has excreted some waste and there appears to be a...
  17. Zoa_Fanatic

    Nems and reef tanks

    So an acquaintance of mine has some really pretty really, really dwarf rainbow bubble tips. Fully grown these things are like 2” across. She’s had them for a long time and this is as big as they get. Can I put one in a biocube without it causing too much damage to coral? I’ve only ever had...
  18. reefingaz

    Please ID this anemone

    Could I get some help with the ID of this nem i got? Thanks.
  19. Saltygal2.0

    New aquarium

  20. D

    Tips before I get an anemone?

    I wanted to ask what I should make sure I have and what water parameters I need for my tank before I get an anemone. Any care tips or tricks are appreciated.
  21. D

    EMERGENCY My LTA balled up and has been acting weird.

    I have a 55 gal tank that has been running for close to two years. My LTA was added maybe about a month and a half ago. He was eating very well and hosting one of my Domino Damsels. Suddenly he curled up and started excreting a lot of waste. He would open up for small intervals of time randomly...
  22. C

    EMERGENCY Anemone Dying -Unsure of Cause

    Two weeks ago I bought a purple bubble tip anemone. It looked great when I put it in, but it has rapidly gone downhill. At the moment it is dying, if not already dead. I have a lightly stocked 29gallon tank that has been up and running for 8 months. I have a juvenile coral beauty angel and two...
  23. J

    Anemone Help

    Just looking for some advice on my nem. Kind of shrunk over the past 2 weeks. Have been using Wills Black box led about 24' over the tank. Settings were at 7 blues, 2 whites. I have brought it down to 5 blue, 2 white as I thought may be too much light. I've decreased feeding to 1x a week with...
  24. LexMueller

    Bleached BTA

    Hey everyone! I’m finally taking the responsibility to heal my BTA. it’s been some time and it WAS beautiful. Looked like a CSB but it was just a hint of rainbow in it. I’m sorry to say it bleached in the move from my 13.5 to my 25 So far it’s kept it’s colour and has been doing better but no...
  25. Bouncingsoul39

    Best Food for LTA?

    Anything that works best for them other then the standard nem fare?